The Protector

Chapter: 3026

Shortly after.

Ye Junlin and his party also came to the agreed place.

When the three heads of Hydra met Ye Junlin.

Everyone laughed.

If Ye Junlin can come, it means that their open and aboveboard defrauding plan is about to succeed.

The three and the dozen or so people behind them all showed ecstasy.

finally come!

Ye Junlin represents the ultimate “wealth”.

“Mr. Ye is really unfortunate. I didn’t think that the ice bed used by your daughter was destroyed! The poison has happened like this! But we Hydra swear that we only poisoned the daughter!”

“As for destroying the blood exchange record and destroying the ice bed before, we didn’t do it! You can rest assured of this!”

The three heads of Hydra said righteously.

As if poisoning Junjun is such a glorious thing.

The Dark Doctor and the Brain of God clenched their fists.


This is nothing but provocation!

But Ye Junlin looked at them from such a distance.

The sixth and eighth heads of Hydra also laughed and said, “Mr. Ye expresses our sympathy for what happened to Ling Qianjin!”

“However, after our unremitting efforts! We have developed an antidote for the strongest poison! Ling Qianjin’s poison can be solved!”

The two said this.

The Dark Doctor naturally didn’t believe it.

He asked, “Are you sure you’re not lying? Where’s the antidote? Show me?”

The brain of God also said: “Yes, don’t brag! If there is an antidote, take it out and see!”

The three heads smiled: “Don’t worry! And if you don’t believe us, this deal can’t go on. You say yes, Mr. Ye!”

The three leaders looked at Ye Junlin.

It’s just that Ye Junlin didn’t respond, just looked at them indifferently.

Eight heads stepped forward and said: “Today’s transaction is very simple! First of all, you have to trust us! Otherwise, this transaction can’t be done at all!”

“Secondly, let’s talk about the conditions! To detoxify your daughter, you must pay a price! The antidote we developed with so much manpower and resources cannot be handed over to you in vain!”

Doctor Dark asked directly: “Tell me, what kind of conditions do you want!”

“All in all! We want all the resources you have! After all the resources are obtained, we will show you the antidote!”

The six heads stood up.

Doctor Dark asked: “That is to say, all the resources are just deposits for you? We will give us all the resources before we are willing to show us the antidote? Instead of giving us the antidote directly?”

Leader Six and Leader Eight nodded at the same time: “Yes, that’s right! To get the antidote, you have to hand over the secret of resources!”

“That’s right! We are the lions! To completely unlock your daughter’s poison, you should know how difficult it is! So we want all the resources and the secret of how to obtain them!”

The posture of the Hydra once made Doctor Dark and the others wonder if there was really an antidote.

This lion speaks louder than everyone else.

This confidence and confidence is clearly the antidote!

However, they were only in a trance.

“You guys also want the white wolf with empty gloves? You also want to deceive Mr. Ye!”

“The aircraft behind are all resources! But if you want to deceive them, it’s not that easy!”

The Dark Doctor sneered.

“If you want to cheat, at least you have to come up with something, right? Even if it’s not an antidote, it has to be a useful item, right?”

The two stared at the Hydra.

The three leaders glared at the dark doctor and the brain of God with a guilty conscience: “You said it again! What does it have to do with you?”

He looked at Ye Junlin again: “What do you think, Mr. Ye? What do you think of this condition? Do you want to agree?”

In their opinion, only Ye Junlin would be deceived.

Everyone else is awake, only Ye Junlin is a fool.

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