The Protector

Chapter: 3108

They all looked at the mountains of resources behind them.

“But Mr. Ye, you can either give it or not. If you have ample resources, please share a little with us! Our organization urgently needs resources to avenge the Hydra! We have suffered too much…”

“Yes, Mr. Ye, please help us! We will not kidnap you morally!”

“For the sake of us being persecuted by Hydra, help us! We need resources to get rid of Hydra!”

They performed the acting to the point of being superb.

I believe it!

Everyone present must believe it!

Ye Junlin couldn’t even help but applaud them.

Really moving.

Ye Junlin hesitated and said again and again: “Since you are looking for hydra for revenge, then I should help you!”

Ye Junlin pointed to the mountains of resources behind him and said, “Not a little bit! Move all the resources here!”


The five of them endured the ecstasy in their hearts and asked nervously.

“Of course! The sooner the better! Hurry up and move! I will do my part to avenge the Hydra!”

Ye Junlin said.

“Okay, we will contact someone to move out immediately!”

The five almost jumped up.

Then all kinds of thanks to Ye Junlin, and all kinds of acting…

Soon after, the group sent transports over.

All the resources that were piled up in the mountains were removed.

Before leaving, the five said to Ye Junlin: “Mr. Ye, just wait for our good news! We will definitely succeed in revenge!”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you!”

Ye Junlin pretended to be looking forward to it.

After watching these people leave.

Doctor Dark immediately said: “Mr. Ye, is this worth it? Everyone can see that they are liars! They came to win your sympathy and cheat you of resources! You have been acting with them all the time, but you just gave them so many resources. I don’t think so. It’s worth it!”

“Yes, I also don’t think it’s worth it! It’s a huge loss for this group of dogs!”

Although resources are worthless to Ye Junlin, he can have as many as he wants.

But it’s not worth it to these people.

At this time, Ye Junlin smiled and said, “It’s worth it! Why isn’t it worth it?”


This made everyone stunned.

Ye Junlin explained: “These resources are indeed of high value, but let’s reluctantly use them to buy their lives! When I kill them, there is no reason for me! I gave them all the money to buy their lives in advance. what!”


Everyone laughed out loud.

They take resources for nothing, of course it’s not worth it.

But they are going to die.

It means that if you take resources, you have to take your life to compensate.

Ye Junlin’s resources are not so easy to use, and he has to pay with his life to compensate.

“In a month, I will go to them to die!”

Ye Junlin took out the dead branch that the group had lied to him.

After Ye Junlin finished this, he immediately went to retreat to study the secret lock.

He will be out in a month.

And this group of people who left.

The girl among the five, No. 33, laughed outright: “Stupid donkey Ye Junlin! I’m really laughing to death! Did you deceive so many resources like this?”

“Hahaha, it’s really too stupid! I think it’s too dreamy, so here it is? Am I acting enough?”

29 also echoes the road.

On the 23rd, he laughed loudly and said, “Ye Junlin, I’m afraid you would never have imagined that we lied to you again, right? You are so deceiving!”

“Last time we lied to you under the guise of 100,000-year-old snow lotus, we were too careful! We were too cautious, we should have lied to you more!”

“Ye Junlin, this time we lied to you openly! Hahaha…”

“I didn’t even shed any tears, so I lied to you? Idiot!”

“You Ye Junlin is a complete idiot! It’s so easy to deceive me that I don’t believe it myself!”

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