The Protector

Chapter: 3146

Hurry up!

Anxious to death!

Again, deceived is deceived.

But if the resources are not in hand, in fact, everything is counted.

Ye Junlin smiled, looked at the crowd and asked, “What are you doing in such a hurry? So many resources are not in a hurry at this time!”

Ye Junlin said this.

Everyone was a little flustered.

Everyone is guessing whether Ye Junlin suspects something?

Or he was worried!

Although he was deceived.

But to hand over resources like this, he must be more careful.

At least let’s see how the organization works?

Is it really revenge on Hydra?

Has anything actually been done?

Only when you see it with your own eyes will you be willing to hand over resources.

It’s not a matter of believing or not.

It’s just experience.

Those thoughts raced through the minds of seven decision makers.

They determined that Ye Junlin thought so.

Let’s take a look at their specific implementation first, and then decide whether to give resources.

“Don’t worry! Don’t worry! We’re just worried about the delivery of resources, it’s not good to be targeted by others!”

Number One said immediately.

At the same time, No. 1 made a look at several other people.

No. 3 immediately understood, and immediately said: “Let’s not talk about resources first! Mr. Ye, let’s talk about Hydra and War Bear Kingdom first!”

“Huh? Talk about them?”

Ye Junlin was taken aback.

Wondering what tricks they’re up to.

“To be honest, we have planted a lot of spies in War Bear Country and Hydra during this time! Until now, these spies are distributed within them, providing us with information at all times…”

Number three smiled.


Ye Junlin almost laughed.

You are obviously acting as a lackey for others, how could you have the guts to say that you have spies?

“Huh? Talk about it!”

Ye Junlin was very curious.

“Mr. Ye, please come to our intelligence department first!”

The third group led the way.

Ye Junlin and his party followed.

When they came to the intelligence department, their intelligence team sent out all the information they had just obtained.

It is the message of the success of the final version of the War Bear Kingdom Super God Project.

The information is very detailed, not only detailed data.

Even the strongest one can’t measure the combat power for the time being.

There is even information about Hydra’s temporary self-transformation plan…

I have to say that these decision makers are very smart.

Come up with concrete evidence, who wouldn’t believe it?

But this is a message given by them as lackeys.

Not being a spy, I got the information myself.

But this is definitely something they do.

It was specially for Ye Junlin to see.

Nothing is more convincing than this.

“Now the War Bear Kingdom has become so powerful that it dominates the entire world, and even the Hydra itself is so powerful! How can you take revenge?”

“We have to get stronger quickly! Mr. Ye, hurry up and bring all the resources! We have to hurry up!”

“And the latest information from our spies shows that the War Bear Kingdom is about to carry out a strategic plan! It seems to be sweeping everything! Hydra will also attack us!”

“So we’re running out of time! Mr. Ye quickly brought the resources, and we’re about to start preparing!”

After several people saw that Ye Junlin was convinced, they immediately involved resources again.

Ye Junlin pretended to be shocked: “Really? Is the situation so serious? Then hurry up!”

No. 1 took the opportunity to ask: “So, what about Mr. Ye’s resources? Has it been shipped?”

“When it comes to resources, I want to show you a big baby first!”

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Junlin’s mouth.

“Huh? Big baby? What big baby?”

Everyone was full of curiosity.

Ye Junlin smiled mysteriously: “Compared with the big baby, resources are nothing at all!”

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