The Protector

Chapter: 3197



Someone fainted again in the field, and it was still the top of the Siberia Union.

They have withstood the impact brought to them by the 570,000 gods before.

But it could not withstand the power of Ye Junlin.


Some people can’t even accept such a result.

He vomited blood and died on the spot!

The Titan God of War and the six heads of Hydra were extremely pale.

The legs were like lead-filled, unable to lift at all.

The throat couldn’t make a sound, only whimpered.

Most of the members of Hydra were so frightened that their legs were weak and they were about to fall to the ground.

Other people watching the ceremony, some were scared to death, some fainted, and some were scared to pee.

The enemies of the Hydra were also frightened, but they were excited.

If Ye Junlin is strong like this, he can take revenge.

The Dark Doctor and the Brain of God both shouted excitedly!

They finally saw the power of Ye Junlin’s real shot.

In short, there are all kinds of scaring!

They seem to have experienced the most terrifying thing in the world!

There isn’t one!

Any danger and terror are not as scary as the present Ye Junlin!


Really scared by Ye Junlin!

How can there be such a strong existence?

One sword killed 100,000 gods!

A full hundred thousand! ! !

That’s not Chinese cabbage!

That is one god!

They are all working together to defend against this sword!

The result was slaughtered like this!


Such a long team of gods was abruptly cut off by Ye Junlin with a sword.

Almost one-fifth is gone!

At this moment, no words can describe the horror of Ye Junlin!

It can only be said that the world has lost its color, and the whole world has become silent.

No matter who it was, they were all frightened by Ye Junlin’s extreme combat power.

The War Eagle Nation and the forces behind it were amazed.

The Sombra agent clenched his fist tightly and almost shouted out in excitement.

He bet on the right bet!

Ye Junlin is really strong and perverted!

His vision was right!

As for the forces behind the War Eagle Nation, they said: “This world is still hiding dragons and crouching tigers! Ye Junlin is indeed the enemy of the War Eagle Nation!”

This is actually a high affirmation of Ye Junlin’s strength!

Even the Town Demon Division, who has always looked down on the words of the gods, was a little horrified.

Although the gods are only spiritual to them, they are the threshold everywhere.

But Ye Junlin killed 100,000 gods with one sword!

This is enough to attract the attention of all parties.

What Xu Qingya and the others couldn’t figure out was that Ye Junlin had no spiritual roots.

Can pure physical cultivation reach this point? ? ?

However, it is the divine robbery in Ye Junlin’s hands that has topped all the major factions of the Demon Suppression Division!

This was obviously forged by Ye Junlin himself.

But the major factions in the Town Demon Division believe that this sword is definitely an ancient sword!

I don’t know what kind of adventure Ye Junlin had to get this ancient sword.

For a time, there were quite a few people who had the idea of ​​robbery.

Even the old guys in the factions of Zhen Mosi have been dispatched, and they are all studying which ancient sword of Ye Junlin’s divine calamity is.

They are also very interested.

In their opinion, this sword killed 100,000 gods.

On the one hand, Ye Junlin has strength, and the main thing is the power of this ancient sword.

If you let them know that this sword Ye Junlin was cast, I don’t know if they will be dumbfounded.

Although Li Ziran and Junjun were hiding, they still received the news of Ye Junlin in the War Bear Country in real time.

Seeing that Ye Junlin is so powerful.

They are also celebrating like crazy!

“Junjun, your father is definitely the strongest!!!”

“You have the best father in the world!”

Li Ziran hugged Junjun tightly.

This is a family affirmation!

“Jun’s Landing, you must win! We are waiting for your return!”

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