The Protector

Chapter: 3234

“right here!!!”

Shortly after.

Ye Junlin came here with a group of people.

Here is the breath of those people.

Even Xu Qingya felt it.

It’s just that the place is empty.

And it’s just gone.

not good!

It’s too late!

I’m late!


Ye Junlin’s head was about to explode.

The same goes for everyone else – a bolt from the blue!

This time something really happened.

Xu Qingya and the others also looked heavy, and immediately followed.

Come to the top of the mountain.

Everyone soon saw the five Qinglong people on the stone bed, covered in blood, and the five people were no longer angry.


Ye Junlin exuded a monstrous aura and rushed up.

“It’s still a step too late! The root bone was dug out!”

Xu Qingya said angrily.


The three of Xu Longri sighed.

A glimmer of hope is still dashed!

They still underestimated that group, and they were going a lot faster than we thought.

Regardless of whether their root bones were successfully transplanted, the root bones of the five Qinglong people were dug up.

Then five people will die.

This is the worst!

“Blue Dragon!”



“White Tiger!”


Ye Junlin inspected the situation of the five people.

It’s just that the five people are almost out of breath, dying.

However, after Ye Junlin input power, the five of them reluctantly opened their eyes.

Seeing Ye Junlin, the eyes of the five of them lit up fiercely, and their lips were squirming: “Old… boss! I… we…”

“We’re… sorry for you… we shouldn’t… don’t listen to you…”

“In the next life, let’s… be brothers again!”

“Stop talking, it’s okay! You’ll be okay!”

Ye Junlin held their hands tightly.

He could feel that the life essence of these people was rapidly draining, and they were almost gone.

Is this such a big side effect of digging out the root bone?

Is this straight to death?

He turned his head to look at Xu Qingya and asked, “Why is this happening?”

“Sorry, the king of the word! I didn’t tell you about this!”

“If the root bone is dug out, you will die!”

As soon as Xu Qingya said this, Ye Junlin’s head really exploded.

In his view, even if the root bone is missing, it is like missing an organ.

People will still live.

But I didn’t think it would be fatal!

This is beyond expectations!

He didn’t think of it!

“What? Dying?”

Xu Qingya nodded: “That’s right! They are considered to have opened the spiritual roots and bones, that is where the vitality gathers! If the spiritual roots and bones are gone, then the vitality will also dissipate! Naturally they will die!”

“Why is this? Why?”

Xiao Feng cried directly.

Now that the five Qinglong people are in this situation, they have an inseparable relationship with him.

At the beginning, he secretly contacted five people, and the five people left the hiding place, and they were inseparable from him.

even a large proportion.

Seeing a few like this now, he couldn’t bear it anymore.

Li Ziran also cried.

Because they are treated as family!

“Uncle Qinglong, Uncle Qilin, Aunt Zhuque…”

Junjun also burst into tears.

Everyone’s heart sank to the bottom.

No one thought that the consequence of transplanting the root bone would be death!

And it’s still boring!

The kind that even the Great Luo Immortal can’t do!

Xu Qingya said helplessly: “Mr. Ye’s condolences!”

Ye Junlin was going to be angry, but Qinglong touched him.

“Don’t be sad, boss! We will meet again!”

“Goodbye boss! It’s okay! We’re not afraid!”

“Boss, live well! We will watch you from the sky!”

The five Qinglong gathered their last strength and said to Ye Junlin, speaking much more smoothly.

“I won’t let you die! Absolutely not!”

Ye Junlin shouted madly.

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