The Protector

Chapter: 475

Yuan Shanhe also closed his eyes in despair.

That’s it!

They never thought it would end so soon!

The coffin was really prepared for myself.

“Your biggest mistake is to think about Jiangbei, otherwise you can still live!”

The voice of Ye Junlin shook Yuan Shanhe’s body.

Yuan Shanhe opened his eyes and looked at Ye Junlin and asked, “Can I tell you who you are before I die!”

Old Qiu Sese trembled: “Sir, I… I seem to have guessed it!”


Yuan Shanhe asked.

“Jiangbei! Who else in Jiangbei we can’t afford to provoke?”

Old Qiu reminded.

Yuan Shanhe suddenly saw a man riding a wolf not far away, and he said in shock: “Is it the Eighteenth Cavalry of the Heavenly Tribulation??”

“Kun…Kunlun God of War…his…”

Yuan Shanhe took a deep breath and said the supreme name.

This is how Yuan Shanhe didn’t think of it.

No wonder the identity of the owner of the Yunting Group is mysterious, and nothing can be found.

Even the information found on the dark web is only saying that he has no background.

Where does he need a background?

He himself is the background!

He is a rich man himself!

Yuan Shanhe hates it!

Why did you hate Li Erye calling him out of the mountain?

In the end, the thing that sensationalized the whole city came to an end quietly.

No one knows why.

Many messages are saying that it is a rumor at all, and Yuan Shanhe’s gathering of tens of thousands of people is simply false.

There is no such thing at all.

Rumors abound from various parties.

But one thing is true!

Yuan Shanhe disappeared.

The entire underground circle in Nanhai Province became clean and clean, and all were cleared overnight.

What hasn’t been done for decades, turned out to be overnight.

Countless people applaud!

After all, the group of Yuan Shanhe, like blood-sucking locusts, has killed many people.

Ye Junlin asked people to check the assets of the Yuan Shanhe faction, and it turned out to be a full hundreds of billions.

He ordered the money to be used for public welfare and charity. Whoever dares to embezzle, he personally came to the door.

The people applauded one after another.

This kind of good deeds can increase the cohesion of a city.

The same is true for the purpose of Yunting Group now-the construction and development of Jiangbei, the money is spent on the people.

Zhou Yuheng asked Ye Junlin whether he should go to the provincial capital and develop the entire Nanhai Province.

Ye Junlin refused.

He still wanted to be by Li Ziran’s side.

He said that he wants his wife Xu to have a future.

Li Ziran would only go if he was going to the provincial capital.

After this battle.

Family businesses in the provincial capital and other cities are quiet.

Knowing that Jiangbei is a forbidden area, no one dared to break in without permission.

To come, Jiangbei Development is also the first priority and profitability is second.

The momentum of Jiangbei’s development is even stronger!

This day.

Qinglong found Ye Junlin.

“The God of War still remember the Yuan Shanhe faction’s hundreds of billions of assets?”

Qinglong asked.

“I know, what’s wrong, someone embezzled it?”

Ye Junlin frowned.

Qinglong shook his head: “It’s much more serious than this! Someone secretly bought a company from the Yuan Shanhe faction, and now more than 80 billion that is about to invest in charity is missing!”

“What? There is such a thing? Someone quietly transferred the money away?”

Ye Junlin almost jumped up in shock.

What happened to the money he set up specifically?

“Is it clear?”

Ye Junlin asked.

“Probably clear, it is the largest foreign company in Nanhai Province, the Sanxing Group from Xingguo! They secretly bought everything and took away more than 80 billion!”

Qinglong Road.

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