The Protector

Chapter: 731

But for her, she didn’t hesitate to use the status of Zhou’s grandson to win the project.

Soon after, the investment conference ended.

Li Ziran’s little secretary excitedly took out a project book.

“Mr. Li, we won the bid! We got the investment!”

Li Ziqi flipped through the project book.


It really is a 50 billion investment project.

At this time Ye Junlin also walked out.

“Have you got it?”

Ye Junlin smiled.

“Well, thank you for your hard work!”

Li Ziran thanked him.

Ye Junlin was curious that Li Ziran didn’t even ask how he did it.

How did he know that Li Ziran thought he had won it as Zhou’s grandson.

“That’s OK, I’ll tell grandpa and them the message first.”

Later, Li Ziran returned to Zhao’s house.

Almost everyone in the Zhao family is waiting.

Everyone smiled when they saw Li Zi dyed back.

“How is Ziran?”

Wu Mulan asked.

“Grandma succeeded, I got a 50 billion investment project! This is the project information!”

Li Ziran handed the project information to everyone.

After reading it, everyone showed ecstasy.

It’s really a 50 billion project.

“Ziran, you are amazing, you did it without any effort!”

Wu Mulan smiled.

“Grandma, what you promised me counts!”

“First, anyone in the Zhao family, including my parents, will no longer intervene in my affairs with Ye Junlin.”

“Second, I am responsible for the 50 billion project.”

Li Ziran looked at Wu Mulan and said.


The atmosphere in the field suddenly stagnated, and everyone’s complexion became abnormal.

Li Ziran was stunned.

What is rhythm?

In the next second, Wu Mulan asked in surprise: “Huh? Did I say it?”

Li Ziran was completely stunned as soon as he said that.


She was struck by lightning and her brain was blank.

The whole person is going to be numb.

“Grandma, you…what do you mean? Didn’t you agree well? How did you change your mind?”

Li Ziran asked incredulously.

“Girl, it’s not that I’ve changed my mind, it’s because I can’t remember that I promised you this! I never promised it?”

Wu Mulan didn’t change her face and her heart didn’t beat.

Concubine Zhao Jun and Zhang Wentao said immediately: “Yes, Ziran, grandma never promised this!”

“Isn’t it? We were always there when we talked to you. We didn’t even mention this at all.”

“Ziran, are you confused? Or remembered wrong! There is no such thing!”

Even Zhao Jianguo joined in and said, “Yes, Ziran, we won’t lie to you! You didn’t mention this at all!”

“Ha ha ha ha……”

Facing the unanimous tone of everyone in the Zhao family, Li Ziran smiled miserably.

She won’t argue anymore.

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