The Protector

Chapter: 125

After knowing the truth, Li Ziran cried, “Why is it Ye Junlin?”

Zhao Yalan grabbed the phone and said, “Daughter, there is no other way! Ye Junlin took the initiative to replace your dad!”

“How can you do this? Don’t tell me! You wait, I’ll be right back!”

Li Ziran cried anxiously.

Soon, Li Ziran returned home.

“Daughter, Ye Junlin didn’t let us say it!”

Li Wenyuan also said: “Daughter, it doesn’t matter if he breaks a few fingers anyway, your dad is determined not to have fingers.”

Li Ziran didn’t know what to say, so she couldn’t cry.

“Daughter, hurry up and pay the money back! Ye Junlin can still fight for a few days!”

Zhao Yalan said.

Li Ziran yelled, “But every time he drags on for a day, he breaks a finger! How can you bear it?”

“Isn’t this something that can’t be done? You can’t watch your dad suffer, right? He’s still young and can afford it!”

Zhao Yalan comforted.

Li Ziran stared at the two and asked, “Did you force him to go?”

“It was his willingness, and we have no persecution!”

Li Wenyuan immediately denied it.

After Zhao Yalan and Li Wenyuan looked at each other, they couldn’t help saying: “Daughter, after you pay off the money, you will divorce Ye Junlin!”

Li Zi dyed an incredible face: “What? A divorce? Dad, Ye Junlin was the one who suffered for you. He kicked it away after he was done using it?”

“We are not such people!!!”

Li Wenyuan and Zhao Yalan hurriedly said, “Daughter, everything that Ye Junlin does is in our eyes.”

“We are not ungrateful people either. When the matter is over, we will compensate him with enough money!”


Today’s parents are so disappointing.

“But, you and Ye Junlin must get a divorce! He didn’t deserve you, and now he doesn’t deserve your finger even more!”

“I absolutely can’t tolerate my daughter marrying a crippled finger incomplete!!!”

Li Wenyuan’s attitude is very firm.

Li Ziran was dumbfounded.

Parents were so cruel to Ye Junlin in order to protect themselves?

“Ziran has happened now. If you want Ye Junlin to suffer less, you can quickly pay back the money!”

Zhao Yalan said.

At this moment, Li Tianhao came.

“The turning point of the matter has appeared!”

Li Tianhao looked excited.

“Dad what do you mean?”

Li Wenyuan asked suspiciously.

“Someone just notified us that someone is willing to help us repay the money, but there is one condition-that is, Ziran must remarry!”

Li Tianhao said.


Li Tianhao raised the 300 million check in Yang’s hand: “Everyone has brought the check! Now, let’s ask Ziran a sentence, whether to remarry or not to remarry?”

For a while, Li Ziran was at a loss and didn’t know what to do.

She couldn’t get three hundred million for the time being, the number was too huge.

“Don’t hesitate, agree quickly!”

Li Wenyuan urged, now time is money.

Zhao Yalan’s words made Li Ziran’s body tremble: “You have to agree quickly. If you agree early, Ye Junlin will suffer less.”

Suddenly, Li Ziran’s mind showed the cruel image in the video.

She did it for Ye Junlin!

“Okay, I promise to remarry!”

Li Ziran agreed.

Li Tianhao and Li Wenyuan immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Tianhao took out a room card and handed it to Li Ziran: “If you agree, you will go to the Sheraton Hotel to find him! As long as you arrive at the hotel, we have the right to use the check!”

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