The Protector

Chapter: 1611

The man hesitated: “But the other party has the conditions!”

“Regardless of his conditions, he can repair Ye Junlin’s martial arts!”

“Yes, repair Ye Junlin’s martial art at all costs!”

Yan Longwei was free this time.

“Well, in that case, it should be a big deal!”

“What we are looking for is an ancient medical family! It is the family of Daxia Doctor King! They have amazing ancient medical skills, which may be a resurrection for ordinary people.

It is said that they can turn an ordinary warrior into a supreme-level powerhouse just by relying on medicine and ancient medical techniques! “


Hearing this, everyone gasped.

Relying on ancient medical techniques and magical medicine to create a supreme powerhouse?

This is too scary, right?

Yan Longwei even gave birth to an idea.

Let this ancient family of medical skills help Daxia build a supreme powerhouse.

Yan Longwei contacted the family of medical kings at any cost.

The medical king family sent a senior elder Wang Xing to follow Yan Longwei to find Ye Junlin.

Wang Xing himself is also a supreme powerhouse!

It is the legendary medical and martial arts double repair.

Even medical skills are also practiced, and martial arts are also practiced.

“Wu Mai was completely shattered and destroyed?”

Wang Xing heard Ye Junlin’s situation, his face was solemn.

“is it hard?”

Someone asked Yan Longwei.

“It stands to reason that it is basically impossible to repair! Martial veins are different from other veins! Especially if you destroy them directly!”

“Even if it is repaired, it will not reach the previous state!”

“But the specific situation depends on the individual!”

Wang Xing said seriously.

Yan Longwei’s face was solemn.

Soon, everyone came to Jiangbei.

Li Ziran and Zhou Nanyan followed the three elders of Wushuang City to practice.

Only Ye Junlin and his mother were there.

“Ye Junlin, we want to bring you good news!”

Yan Longwei told Ye Junlin his future intentions.

Ye Junlin was taken aback.

What martial art does he need to repair?

He’s all well long ago.

Besides, the old man said that there are few people in this world who can repair the martial arteries.

Most of the things that can be repaired are deceptive.

“I don’t need it! It’s nice to be an ordinary person!”

Ye Junlin refused directly.

“Are you still angry with Yan Longwei in King’s Landing?”

“No, I don’t care about it!”

“Since I am angry, let the master show you!”

Ye Junlin was helpless.

It can only be checked by Master Wang Xing and his disciples.

After the inspection, Master Wang Xing and a few disciples probably walked far away.

Several people began to discuss.

Wang Xing is a supreme powerhouse, and soundproofing is a piece of cake for him.

So he talked to the disciple.

Not to mention that ordinary people can hear it, even the supreme-level powerhouse may not be able to hear it.

But Ye Junlin could hear it clearly.

“Master’s situation is not good? This boy’s martial art is directly ineffective!”

“Yes, it’s okay to be destroyed. The point is that this kid’s martial art no longer exists! How can we fix it?”

Master Wang Xing nodded: “Yes, it’s wrong. Don’t say it’s us, even if the doctor is here, there is nothing to do?”

“If you tell the truth directly to Yan Longwei, not only will the face of my medical king family be lost, but we will also have no benefit at all!”

“Master, what should I do?”

Several disciples asked.

“Then let’s drag Yan Longwei for a while!”

“Lied to them that Ye Junlin’s martial arteries can be repaired, but it is extremely difficult and requires a great price!”

“Then we can make a request!”

Several disciples also laughed: “Yes, yes, so we can get more!”

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