The Protector

Chapter: 1757

Ye Junlin’s attitude was firm and he didn’t give any chance at all.

Let them fend for themselves.

Not only that.

Ye Junlin immediately issued the order-

All people who left Daxia nationality before are not allowed to enter Daxia again, let alone restore their status.

This order was issued by Ye Junlin himself, no matter what the identity of the other party, it won’t work!

When this order came out, it caused dissatisfaction among countless people.

Now Daxia has demonstrated unprecedented strength.

Plus, most people are not so happy living abroad.

After all, the network resources are in Daxia, and the money is also in Daxia.

In foreign countries, they just eat their laurels.

There will always be one day to finish eating.

And they found that foreign countries are using their value to squeeze them.

They are not really welcome.

When they are drained of value, they will be driven out.

Especially the recent big moves of War Eagle Nation made them deeply aware of this.

Daxia is the best.

They have to return to Daxia as soon as possible.

Therefore, due to various factors, those who fled before want to come back.

Even some celebrities have already bought tickets and want to take the flight back.

As a result, Ye Junlin suddenly gave such an order, which made many people directly dumbfounded.

Several old people could only scold Ye Junlin for not acknowledging his six relatives, but they had no choice.

After Ye Junlin’s order was issued, it was quickly implemented everywhere.

However, there was a lot of opposition and resistance.

Some people, relying on their power and status, have to forcibly break in, and the two sides may even clashed.

The next day, Ye Junlin received a call from Xiao Feng to say something important.

It turned out that the largest port of Jianghai City is about to arrive at a 10,000-ton cruise ship

The passengers on this cruise ship are all wealthy celebrities who have left the Daxia nationality before.

Now that the danger of Great Xia is lifted, these people will come back.

As a result, Ye Junlin’s order blocked their plan to return to Daxia.

So some of them are in the East Island, Star Country’s rich and famous celebrities gathered together.

They want to come back together.

Therefore, they chartered a cruise ship and returned with thousands of upper class people.

In their view, all of their cruise ships are elites.

No matter where they are, they are valuable.

They believe that Daxia will not reject their elite group.

What’s more, the people on the cruise ship are powerful and powerful.

Who dares to stop?

What’s more terrifying is that the big celebrities on the cruise ship unexpectedly sent Daxia the message that they were coming back and asked fans to pick them up!

Dozens or hundreds of celebrity celebrities came back when they came back.

Their fans are not calm.

The cruise ship arrives at 12 noon.

These fans came to the port early at five or six o’clock to grab a spot, and they all wanted to be the first to receive their favorite star.

The tricky problem is that there are more and more fans.

According to the message sent by Xiao Feng, the port has already gathered 50,000 fans, and the number is still increasing.

He has no law to deal with this matter.

Then I asked Ye Junlin for help.

Ye Junlin’s face changed drastically when he heard it.

This group of actors really have the means to come up with such a trick to get fans to pick it up.

This is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to deal with.

You can’t beat fans or drive them away.

In that case, the impact will be too great.

Therefore, even if Xiao Feng was a supreme-level powerhouse, he was helpless in the face of this matter.

Especially the fans are getting more and more, it is difficult to control.

“Wait for me, I will take care of this myself!”

Ye Junlin immediately went to the port of Jianghai City.

“This group of fans is so pitiful, I don’t even know that they have been used.”

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