The Protector

Chapter: 2625

You know, the resources of Forbidden Land No. 76 are Ye Junlin’s material support against the laboratory of the gods.

It is impossible to use them all here.

Ye Junlin wanted to use other materials instead.

In any case, it is best to use the power of Daxia.

There are many problems.

Ye Junlin needs to do it personally.

The time is too short.

Every second must be counted.

In the hinterland of the Arctic ice sea, seldom populated.

The howling hurricane swept through everything.

Large chunks of ice floes above the sea are floating, and the environment is extremely harsh.

But there are still people here.

There are still quite a few people who are looking for strange travel.

Large cruise ships cannot come here, after all, there are too many ice floes.

But their cruise ship stopped far away, and they came here in a small boat.

“The front can’t continue! That’s the territory of the War Eagle Nation! Maybe there is a secret base! Don’t break through! Otherwise, you will all be captured and experiment…”

Heard this.

These tourists have regarded the front as a forbidden place.

Don’t dare to go one step further…


Many people choose to wear tools and dive in this place.

I want to see what different scenery I can see when I dive to a position of one or two hundred meters.

After all, this is the North Pole, or the sea of ​​ice.

It must be different from other places.



Dozens of people jumped into the ice sea one by one and dived into the ice sea.

Sure enough, the scenery below is beautiful.

Icebergs sinking to the bottom of the sea are faintly visible.

The diver can’t help but take out the equipment to shoot…


But at this moment, there was a sudden earth-shaking movement from the bottom of the sea.

The entire bottom of the sea is shaking.

The sea churned, forming one after another whirlpool.

A huge force came and almost knocked everyone out.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.


At the same time, a huge whistling sound hits, like shattering the eardrum.

“Has the submarine volcano erupted?”

“Or is the tsunami coming?”

There was too much movement.

So that everyone thought it was a disaster.

Fortunately, everyone’s equipment is very professional and can escape in time.

But everyone was really frightened.

Just as they were about to escape, it suddenly became dark in front of them.

It seems that there is a huge object covering the sky and the sun.


At the same time, more and more movement came.

Everyone was almost washed away by the vortex.

“Look! That is!”

“God, what did I see???”

At this time, everyone was in the sea and saw a huge monster moving at a rapid speed.

It is hundreds of meters long, and at least 100 meters high.

“This, this…what kind of creature is this, my goodness! It’s terrible, isn’t it?”

Everyone was terrified when they saw such a creature for the first time.

The camera equipment they brought quickly recorded this scene.

However, the giant creatures are not limited to this one.

There is…

One, two, three…

Twenty in full.


Twenty giant creatures drove to the War Eagle Country Energy Power Station not far away in the sea.

To test whether it can be hidden underneath.

Twenty behemoths will leave clues even if they pass under the seabed.

However, around this is the energy power station of the War Eagle Nation.

It is normal to produce some energy fluctuations.

The anomaly in this place, everyone will naturally be attributed to the territory of the war eagle country.

As long as the Eagle Nation has no problems on its own, of course others have no problems.

To find anomalies, it must be discovered by the Eagle Nation.

However, the Black Hawk agent had already arranged this matter.


These diving enthusiasts, upload the video.

In small circles began to discuss…

The influence is also expanding further.

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