The Protector

Chapter: 384

“Who are you? Ye Junlin and Li Ziran?”

Su Zhaofei couldn’t help asking.

“Mr. Ye told me, let me treat you well.”

James gave a cruel smile.

“You…what are you going to do?”

Seeing the brawny men approaching, Su Zhaofei panicked.

His little arms and legs…


Suddenly, James slapped him severely in the face.

This slap almost killed Su Zhaofei’s life.

It buzzed in his head.


The more terrifying is yet to come.

James suddenly banged his leg with a piercing sound of bone cracking, and Su Zhaofei’s leg was broken.


The other leg was also broken.



Later, both arms were also broken.

Su Zhaofei screamed hysterically.

I thought it would be unlucky enough to come to Jiangbei to run into a wall, but now it is even more useless.


The few subordinates he brought have also been abolished.

Only one person is left intact.

“Remind you, Jiangbei is not for anyone to come!”

James left a word and left.

Today, a major news came from the upper circles of Nanhai Province: The provincial capital Su family wanted to share meat in Jiangbei, but they screamed and screamed. The three young masters and dozens of subordinates were all abandoned and thrown out of Jiangbei.

This news is quite explosive.

Many people originally wanted to come to Jiangbei to grab money and occupy the site.

After this message came out, many people were given enough warning.

Although the Jiangbei Chamber of Commerce and the Shen family have fallen, there are still strong men in Jiangbei.

For example, Yunting Group has developed rapidly.

It is said that the person who abolished the three young masters of the provincial capital Su Family was from the Yunting Group!

For a while, Su Jiazheng moved, seeming to be on the sidelines.

Other family forces are also watching.

Ye Junlin took Li Ziran straight to the Dongtian Group.

Dongtian Group learned that the new owner was coming, and all the senior executives of the company came out to greet them.

And also arranged for the media, and immediately held a news release meeting.

After Li Ziran arrived, he first carried out a succession ceremony, and then participated in a news release meeting to tell the media about this matter.

Today’s Li family is still miserable.

“Leave all!!!”

The management of Yinhai Plaza forced the Li Group out of the office building.

Everything inside was thrown out.

Yunting Group called again to urge, and there was only one day left.

If the deadline is exceeded, liquidated damages will be paid.

That’s a billion!

Companies with debts keep pressing.

The Li family looked for Li Zi for a full night, but they couldn’t find it.

Overnight, Li Tianhao’s hair was all white.

“What can we do? Are we really going to jail?”

Li Tianhao said.

Others also wore dark circles under their eyes, and were extremely haggard.

They also have no choice.

A piece of news was broadcast on TV at this time.

“Huh? Isn’t that Li Ziran?”

Li Mengyue exclaimed.

“What? Li Ziran?”

Everyone looked at the TV, and as expected, they watched Li Ziran.

This news is the news release meeting of Dongtian Group.

The content is the message of Li Ziran as the chairman and president of Dongtian Group.

“According to valuation, the market value of Dongtian Group is between 5 billion and 6 billion. I believe that under the leadership of Ms. Li Ziran, Dongtian Group will rise to the next level!”

The reporter smiled.

“What? Li Ziran became the chairman of Dongtian Group?”

“How is it possible? Dongtian Group has a market value of more than 5 billion yuan!”

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