The Protector

Chapter: 512

That day, Ye Junlin just got off work.

It was unexpected that someone would come to him.

It turned out to be the old slave Qiu Lao of Yuan Shanhe.

Irrelevant characters, Ye Junlin did not kill him.

“Are you looking for something to do with me?”

Ye Junlin asked in surprise.

“Mr. Ye, let me say directly! You also know that the master has a wealth of hundreds of billions in the past few decades. He likes to collect antiques, treasures, calligraphy and painting! There are three treasures that are rare in the world! It can be called the quintessence of my great country. !”

Hearing this, Ye Junlin thought of something, and couldn’t help saying: “Could it be that Sanxing Group took these things?”

“That’s not true! When the master retired thirty years ago, he deliberately entrusted his ten most precious treasures to the Jiangbei Shengda Foundation for safekeeping! Now that Mr. Yuan is gone, the Shengda Foundation has even seized these treasures.

The most hateful thing is that the Shengda Foundation will auction these treasures right away! I heard that Sanxing Group is bound to win these things! These are the quintessence of my Daxia country, and I don’t want to fall into the hands of other people! Please help Mr. Ye! “

“Especially the three treasures were bought by the owner from an auction abroad, and he didn’t want the quintessence of the country to fall into the hands of the Gentiles!”

Old Qiu fell to his knees with a puff.

Although these people of Yuan Shanhe faction bullied the market and did shameful deeds.

But in the face of national justice, there is still a responsibility!

“Afraid that the auction is just a cover? Sanxing Group has arranged everything with Shengda Fund for a long time. These things are assigned to Sanxing Group. The auction is only for everyone to see. These treasures are taken away through formal means. .”

Ye Junlin smiled.

Old Qiu was taken aback, and then said: “Wrong, that’s it! These treasures involve the quintessence of the country, and Sanxing Group is not easy to take away directly, so they will join the auction held by Shanda Fund!”

“Sanxing Group is really shameless, not to mention taking away hundreds of billions from the owner! Even the things the owner treasures must be taken away! Shameless!”

“Okay, tell me the time and place, I will solve it!”

Ye Junlin’s face was gloomy.

Sanxing Group is really greedy!

“Tomorrow at eight o’clock in the evening, Donghu Villa!”

Qiu Lao finally had color in his eyes.

Give it to Ye Junlin, and he is relieved.

Li Zaishi’s information about going to Great Xia Country was blocked.

It was Li Zaishi who asked for it on his own initiative.

Anyone who has been on the battlefield knows what Daxia Kingdom is?

That is a forbidden place for all guards!

Guarded by the Kunlun God of War!

Who dares to attack?

Even if Li Zaishi had been down from the position of chief instructor for decades, he still had deep fear of Daxia Kingdom.

That is a kind of fear in the bones!

In the past five years, the Kunlun God of War has defeated the Eighteen Nations with his own power! ! !

That’s why Li Jae-shik didn’t dare to speak up!

In case the Kunlun God of War or related people heard it, it would be too much trouble.

After entering the Great Xia country smoothly.

Li Jae-shih’s worries are gone.

From now on, no one can control what he does.

As long as I don’t take the initiative to provoke the Kunlun God of War.

Zhennan International Airport, Nanhai Province.

Under Park Tianxin’s arrangement, the airport was blocked in half.

Come to meet Lee Jae-shik specially!

There were dozens of cars, and hundreds of people in black stood neatly waiting.

After getting off the stone, Li was startled when he saw the scene in front of him.

Too blatant!

Is this because you are afraid that others will not know you are coming?

“Welcome Master to Daxia Kingdom!!!”

Hundreds chanted.

In the eyes of these people, Li Zaishi is like a god!

Taekwondo is invincible!

Who can fight?

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