The Protector

Chapter: 715

Ye Junlin took out a purple military medal without a hassle.


This made everyone stunned.

I have never seen a medal of merit in this color!

What level is this?

Is it possible that the power of becoming a bit is even higher?

The purple military medal is engraved with a vivid unicorn pattern.

“This military medal is the Qilin military medal rewarded by annihilating 300,000 enemy troops and capturing 100,000 people in the Battle of the East and the Cold Kingdom three years ago!”

Ye Junlin said.


After speaking, everyone has already changed colors.

They knew about the battle between the East and the Cold Country.

That battle lasted for three days and three nights, and in one fell swoop, the cold country was leveled and the cold country was reached.

Daxia Country is almost a national celebration!

Ye Junlin took out a purple medal and said: “This one was also three years ago when the Southeast Asian African countries attacked the southern border war zone and caused serious losses. I led a team to defeat the African countries’ aggression! It even beat the African countries in one fell swoop! “


At this time, the sound of inhaling cold breath was endless.

Hearing Ye Junlin’s plain narrative, everyone had roughly guessed Ye Junlin’s identity.

These classic battles were all led by that man.

Everyone doesn’t know why.

Feng Zishuo’s expressions were ugly to the extreme, and they were as uncomfortable as eating shit.

Next, Ye Junlin took out another medal of military merit.

This military medal turned out to be golden! ! ! !

Everyone was shocked again!

There is a golden medal?

Simply unheard of!

Look again at this medal is engraved with a lifelike dragon.

As we all know, the dragon is a symbol of the Great Xia Kingdom.

This medal is afraid that it is a symbol of the country!

The purple unicorn medal is the most important reward for the country.

Then the Golden Dragon Medal is supposed to reward the No. 1 God of War in the Great Xia Kingdom.

Ye Junlin took the heavy golden medal and said, “This medal is called the Golden Dragon Medal, or Dragon Medal for short! It is the only one in the history of Daxia State!!!”


When Ye Junlin finished speaking, Feng Zishuo fell to the ground.

They almost foamed at the mouth.

Wan Wanzhen thought that the man they had joined the army together turned out to be the supreme being! ! !

The others were also shivering.

Including Wu Xiao who knew Ye Junlin’s identity.

In front of such a glorious figure, they only feel passionate.

Ye Junlin ignored it and continued: “This is the dragon medal awarded to me by Daxia Kingdom after I defeated the Eighteen Nations Allied Invaders in a pair of iron fists two years ago. After I officially established the unique status of Daxia Kingdom, Daxia Kingdom rewarded me! The only five-star God of War, titled Kunlun!!!”

“This is the pinnacle of my life! After that war, I was named a wolf as Xu, Le Shi Yanran! I can’t forget the first time I received this medal…”

Ye Junlin also fell into the memory, and the moment of glory seemed to be yesterday.

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