The Protector

Chapter: 843

In his opinion, Bullet Ye Junlin may have been able to dodge it just now, but what about such a wide range of attacks?

Can I hide it?

Not to be killed.

Even if it is burned, it must be burned to death!

But the next moment, Killer 47 frowned.

Because he was observing the sea of ​​fire, there seemed to be no signs of people.

Burned to death or bombed to death, at least a little movement, right?

Or should there always be the smell of corpse oil?

None of these?

Could it be that……

At this moment, Assassin 47 felt like he was being spotted by a poisonous snake.

His scalp was numb, his whole body was erected, and a chill invaded his body, trying to coagulate his blood.

As a killer, he has always looked at others.

I have never been targeted by others.

This feeling is the first time.

Killer 47 turned around slowly.

Two people stood in front of them-Ye Junlin and Gu Feng.

The two were not killed in the flames, they lived well.

“Why (why)?”

Assassin 47 frowned, his expression unbelievable.

The person was clearly behind the bunker just now?

How did they escape?

Assassin 47 is confident that his speed is the limit of human beings. It was impossible for Ye Junlin to leave the bunker when he just jumped from a high place to here.

How did they do that?

“The answer is simple, because I am better than you!”

Ye Junlin said lightly.

The weak can never imagine how the strong can do it?

This is the truth!

Because Ye Junlin is more alert, faster and reacts faster than him.


Suddenly Killer 47 shot two cold glows in his eyes, he quickly drew a pistol from his body, and immediately shot at Ye Junlin.

Worthy of being the king of killers, at this speed, even a few people in the army can do it.

He is fast!

But Ye Junlin is faster!

He took out a scalpel from Gu Feng and threw it out.


The scalpel was accurately inserted into Killer 47’s wrist, and his pistol went crooked.

The Assassin 47’s reaction was extremely fast. When the pistol was empty, his left hand immediately took out a submachine gun from his body.

Shoot with one hand! ! !

But Ye Junlin kicked a small stone under his foot.

The pebbles swept across the howling sound and directly penetrated the left wrist of Killer 47.


He let out a scream, and the submachine gun in his hand fell to the ground.

At this time, Ye Junlin moved and rushed to Killer 47’s position.

Assassin 47’s hairs stood up again, and he violently pulled out a saber and rushed over.

The speed of the two is too fast and too fast.

With the naked eye of Gufeng, only two vague afterimages can be seen.

Between the flashes of lightning, Ye Junlin and Assassin 47 passed by.

Assassin 47 reversed his saber and pierced Ye Junlin’s neck.

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