The Supreme Lord

Chapter: 7351

After Su Mo and Lang Ying returned to the Xingluo Tiange’s base, they separated.

Su Mo first went to see his immediate superior, the Star Envoy Wu Falcon, to ask if their Xingluo Tiange had any recent arrangements.

Wu Falcon informed him that there were no other arrangements and asked everyone to move around or meditate.

Afterwards, Su Mo found several team leaders under his command and asked about their subordinates’ situations. Most of his subordinates were meditating and working very hard. A few of them were not in the base, wandering around Kuncheng, trading various items and buying various resources.

Since everything was fine, Su Mo began to retreat again, refining and absorbing the earth vein fire attribute energy he had swallowed.

This time, the fire attribute energy swallowed was very much. After refining, it must be no less than the four thousand Eternal Divine Pills rewarded for the task.

Mainly, this is a single attribute energy. If it is a mixture of multiple attributes, it will be a greater improvement for Su Mo.

A few days later, Su Mo had completely absorbed all the energy and refined it. His cultivation had improved a lot, but he was still a long way from the peak of the Three Suns.

Then, he continued to devour the living beings. The underground cave devoured the suppressed living beings. Except for the one in the Four Suns Creation Realm, all the others were completely devoured.

The powerful people in the Three Suns Creation Realm, their small worlds and the Sun of Creation, contained powerful and terrifying energy, each of which was worth many Eternal Divine Pills.

At this point, Su Mo was facing the uncertainty of the life and death of his clansmen, and he no longer took it slow. He could only devour all the resources he got and improve his strength as soon as possible.

Time passed day by day, and nearly a month had passed. Su Mo had refined all the suppressed living beings last time, except for the Four Suns.

His cultivation and strength were once again greatly improved.

At this time, Su Mo still had 4,000 Eternal God Pills as a reward for the mission. He was not in a hurry to devour all of them, because he felt that even if he devoured them now, he would not be able to break through to the Four Yang Creation Realm.

During this period of time, he had been devouring too fast, so he planned to slow down for a few days and consolidate his cultivation.

So he walked out of his residence, wandered around Kun City for a long time, and finally came to a market in Kun City.

This was an open area, like a huge square, with a large number of creatures setting up stalls to sell various items.

Because this was a free market, there were all kinds of miscellaneous items, and it was dazzling.

Creatures from various Tianges came in an endless stream, picking and choosing in this free way, looking for treasures that suited them.

Su Mo found an empty space at random, and then with a wave of his hand, a leather blanket of ten feet square appeared in front of him, and items appeared on the blanket one by one.

These were all spoils of the previous killings, and there were tens of thousands of them.

Su Mo took out dozens of items at once, all of which were of high quality. In Su Mo’s opinion, the other treasures were too ordinary and too low in value. In the end, he would find a higher berth and sell them all at once.

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