Today, I Give Up Trying

Chapter: 207

Hundred times more expensive than diamonds!
When Mr. Zhang said these words, the laughter of everyone in the entire banquet hall suddenly stopped.
The smiles on their faces were completely frozen.
Everyone’s eyes widened, almost unable to believe everything they heard.
Especially Taigong Shen!
He just picked up the tea cup, and when he heard this, his palm shook suddenly.
The teacup fell to the ground instantly, as if he hadn’t noticed, he looked in the direction of Zhang Lao incredulously.
He only felt that his breathing seemed to be quickening.
“Lao Zhang, you…what did you just say?”
“This button is a hundred times more expensive than diamonds, aren’t you kidding?”
The eyes of the guests around, staring at Zhang Lao, all of them looked thick. Deep doubts and unbelievable.
After all, as everyone knows, the price of diamonds is extremely expensive!
Although this button is very small, if it is replaced with a diamond, it will start at least tens of thousands!
According to Zhang Lao, this button is a hundred times more expensive than diamonds. Doesn’t it mean that this little button is worth more than ten million?
This is so… like a fantasy.
Lao Zhang didn’t care about the shock of everyone around him. The cold sweat on his forehead was constantly flowing, and even the heat covered the reading glasses with a hazy mist.
Right now, while wiping his eyes, he said:
“To be precise, the material of this button does not belong to any jewelry, but a… tooth!”
This is even more unacceptable to everyone around.
What kind of teeth can be worth more than ten million, this is not a joke!
“I don’t know, have you ever heard of an almost extinct marine creature-the deep sea dragon shark!” Zhang Lao said to the crowd with excitement.
Deep sea dragon shark!
Hearing these four words, some guests suddenly screamed:
“Old Zhang, do you mean the most cruel shark in the ocean? It is said that this shark lives in the deep sea and belongs to the king of sharks! ”
Every dragon shark is as huge as a huge ship, especially the Dave warship that disappeared in the United States that year. It shocked the world! It is said that it encountered a terrifying dragon shark, which made all the soldiers on the warship. The army is annihilated!”
At this moment, following the guest’s explanation, everyone around only felt a tingling scalp.
A shark king with the size of a huge wheel.
The king of the sea that can make the U.S. warship annihilated.
What does all this have to do with the buttons in front of you?
Mr. Zhang wiped the sweat from his forehead at this moment, and then said excitedly:
“That’s right! Back then, it was the deep sea dragon shark that destroyed the warship Dave. After that, the Americans went to salvage the wreck of the warship, but they were together. torn to pieces of the hull above, found a tooth! ” ”
That tooth, they belong to the deep-sea dragon shark, eventually country collectors one meter to millions of dollars in price, the successful take away! ”
ten million US dollars!
A tooth!
Hearing this, all the guests were dumbfounded.
Could it be…
One after another, he glanced at the button, one by one, incredible thoughts came to everyone’s mind.
No, it’s impossible!
How could this button be made of the teeth of the king of the sea?
What’s so…
Everyone’s hearts were twitching fiercely, and their breathing began to rush.
And when everyone was most nervous, Zhang Lao took a long breath, as if to suppress all the excitement and excitement in his heart:
“At the beginning, I was in the U.S. and saw that tooth with my own eyes. It even witnessed the scene of the whole auction!”
“Dragon Shark Tooth, you only need to blow it gently, and there will be a whistling sea breeze! In addition, its texture is transparent, glowing dark blue, in dark blue There is a trace of blood in it!”

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