Today, I Give Up Trying

Chapter: 283

At this moment, all the noise and noise in the entire wolf hall stopped abruptly.
Everyone looked at the figure that was thrown in.
This figure was covered with blood, and it was almost impossible to see the real face.
And after seeing this man’s fat figure and vague appearance!
The entire wolf hall was completely exploded.
“Kang Leng! Gosh, he turned out to be the younger brother of the museum owner!”
“Damn, who is it that hurt Kang Leng like this!”
“…” The noisy sound whizzed out instantly.
Everyone’s face was full of shock.
The iron-faced gray wolf is named Kang Lang!
And he has a younger brother, Kang Leng.
The two brothers have always been brothers and sisters, especially with the soaring reputation of the Iron-faced Gray Wolf, his brother Kang Leng has become an overlord of the village in the city, arrogant and domineering, no one dares to provoke.
But now…
No one could imagine that who was so courageous to brand the younger brother of the Iron-faced Gray Wolf into such a miserable appearance.
In an instant, the entire wolf hall suddenly became a mess.
At this moment, when everyone was panicking, a roar resounded from the second floor.
I saw that the Iron-faced Gray Wolf, like a goshawk, jumped down from the second floor.
He ran to his brother quickly, and while wiping the blood for him, he shouted angrily:
“Who! Who hurt my brother, get out of me!!!”
Almost everyone shuddered uncontrollably when they heard the roar of the Iron-faced Gray Wolf.
Everyone can hear the thick anger and killing intent from this roar.
Just when the roar of the Iron-faced Gray Wolf just fell!
A footstep actually resounded from the door, making everyone’s hearts beat slightly.
Then, one after another, they all looked at the door.
Suddenly, under the gaze of everyone, a young man walked in slowly.
“It’s me!”
Lin Fan’s voice was indifferent. He looked straight at the Iron-faced Gray Wolf, showing coldness and sorrow.
After hearing that Lin Fan personally admitted that he had hurt the fat man Kang Leng, the whole wolf hall was completely fried.
A fierce black boxer around, as if he was about to eat Lin Fan, his face was fierce and fierce!
“Boy, are you looking for death? You dare to hurt our curator’s brother!”
“Kill him! Revenge for Kang Leng!”
“Where is the short-sighted thing, dare to hurt Kang Leng, it’s almost dead!” ”
…” The voices of the black boxers around were full of brutality.
Just at this moment!
The Iron Face Wolf waved his hand.
His palm, as if containing boundless magic and majesty, instantly made the whole noisy wolf hall silent.
“Who are you? Why hurt my brother!” The iron-faced gray wolf’s face calmed down at this moment.
He stared directly at Lin Fan.
For some reason, there is a creepy feeling in my heart.
He can be sure that this guy in front of him is absolutely extraordinary. Otherwise, how dare he hurt his brother and even ride solo and come to the Wolf Hall. This is almost a dead end!
Not waiting for Lin Fan to answer.
A coquettish woman rushed in from the door, and ran to the iron-faced gray wolf while crying, and then cried to the gray wolf and said,
“Lord Wolf! This is the guy who hurt Kang. Cold!”
“Originally, Kang Lengti finished the car and passed by the village in the city, but didn’t want to. This guy dared to touch porcelain. Kang Leng was not angry. He went down and argued with him. As a result, this violent maniac, regardless of the three or seventy-one Cold beat like this! ”
After hearing Wen Qian’s words of adding fuel and jealousy, whether it was the iron-faced wolf or all the black boxers around, they all blew the pot.

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