Today, I Give Up Trying

Chapter: 888

Ye Tian and the others stared blankly, looking at Lin Fan in confusion.
“What? You regretted it?” A trace of anger flashed on Ye Tian’s face.
He just finished speaking, this guy has at least one kind, and if the other party really regrets it, then he will definitely despise Lin Fan to the extreme.
What surprised Ye Tian was.
“One is too few! I’m in a hurry, just call ten!”
Lin Fan said, everyone around him was completely dumbfounded.
At a time… call ten?
When Lin Fan’s words fell, all the noise at the entrance of the hospital suddenly stopped.
Whether it was Ye Tian or the passers-by who were sick, they couldn’t believe their ears.
“Little…boy, what are you talking about? Are you going to diagnose ten patients at once?” Ye Tian looked at Lin Fan at this moment, as if he was looking at a lunatic.
Not only him!
Many patients and passers-by were in an uproar when they reacted.
One by one they look to Lin Fan eyes, filled with deep questioning and puzzled:
“! My God this is really the forest geniuses ten patients a diagnosis that he is not crazy, right??!”
“Look and smell very TCM Be careful and mind-consuming. Diagnose ten people at once? What a joke!”
“Liar! I believe Mr. Ye Tianxiao’s words now, this guy has such a big tone, he must be a liar!”
The people around, There was a complete uproar.
These words almost one-sided to Lin Fan, with strong doubts and sarcasm.
after all!
Diagnosing patients with Chinese medicine is an extremely serious matter.
Each of the four words, looking, smelling, asking, and cutting, contains countless details.
This is also the reason why many old Chinese medicine practitioners set a rule to diagnose only one or ten patients per day.
Because this is too exhausting.
Diagnose ten people at once?
Not to mention Lin Fan, even his master Zhang Tianyi could not do it.
At this moment, Ye Tian looked at Lin Fan as if he was looking at an idiot.
“God stick! Hahaha…boy, you still said that you are not a good stick, even such an idiot!”
Ye Tian’s face was full of ridicule and ridicule.
Then he said to the medical staff:
“You should have heard? This kid wants ten patients. He is going to pretend to be forced. You don’t hurry to find it!”
Hearing this.
The faces of the medical staff could not help but show a deep hesitation.
One by one, they looked at Lin Fan.
Until Lin Fan nodded.
At the moment, several medical staff went down one after another, and within a short while, they brought a full ten patients.
Each of these patients has a different condition.
Some patients have yellow and thin faces and cough constantly, seeming to cough up their lungs from their throats.
Other patients have unkempt faces, pale as paper faces, and thick bloodshot eyes.
There are so many different kinds of trees.
See these patients.
The smile on Ye Tian’s face became more intense, and he wanted to ridicule Lin Fan right now.
However, his words have not yet been exported.
But he was stunned to see that Lin Fan had done it before the desk and chair, and then picked up the prescription sheet on the table and the ballpoint pen, and glanced over a patient. The ballpoint pen in his hand was written on the prescription sheet. stand up.

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