Top Shenhao

Chapter: 565

Looking at the woods ahead, Lin Yun narrowed his eyes and said:

“I, Lin Yun, am back again, Ye family, get ready to tremble!”

“Murong family, get ready to tremble!”

“The whole Xichuan province, get ready to tremble!”

To put it bluntly, today’s Lin Yun has been reborn from the ashes!

Today’s Lin Yun is quite different from before.

This time, Lin Yun is the return of the king!

Lin Yun didn’t know what kind of changes had taken place in Jindu and Qingyang City during the month he was under the cliff.

But Lin Yun knew that the time for death of all enemies had come!

None can escape!

“Grandpa, White Shark, Fatty, Wang Xue, Jiang Jingwen, Sister Qing, Zhu Jing, Zhao Ling, Liu Bo, Fang Fang, you all must have thought I was dead. I’m sorry to make you sad. I’m here to see you.” Lin Yun murmured.

“And Lone Wolf, I will avenge you soon, and I will let the entire Ye family be buried with you!” Lin Yun gritted his teeth and looked at the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun walked forward quickly!

About twenty minutes later, Lin Yun walked on the national highway, but Lin Yun stopped several cars, but none of them stopped for Lin Yun.

After all, Lin Yun stayed under the cliff for a month, his hair was long and messy, his beard was also long, and he looked dirty.

At this time, a dilapidated van drove over, and Lin Yun quickly waved.

Unexpectedly, the van stopped.

“Friend, do you need help?” The owner of the van looked at Lin Yun.

“Can you take me to Jindu?” Lin Yun said.

“No problem, get in the car. I’m going to Jindu just now. I’ll give you a ride along the way. It’s only half an hour’s drive from here to Jindu.” The van driver said.

“Thank you.”

After Lin Yun thanked him, he got into the co-pilot of the van.

Half an hour later, the van arrived in Jindu and came to a fruit wholesale market.

“Friend, I’m here to bring some fruit back to the county to sell, so I will drive you here.” The driver said.

Immediately afterwards, the driver took out two 50s from his pocket and handed them to Lin Yun.

“My friend, by the way you look, you must be in trouble. Take this hundred dollars, get your hair cut, find a hotel to take a shower, wash your clothes, and find a job. You see Looks young,” said the driver.

Apparently the driver took Lin Yun as a homeless man.

Lin Yun took the hundred yuan and said calmly:

“Thank you, you are a good person. After half a month, I will wait for you here and pay you back ten million.”

Lin Yun was penniless now, and he didn’t even have the money to take a taxi. This one hundred yuan really solved Lin Yun’s urgent need, so Lin Yun didn’t refuse.

After the van driver heard the words, he just shook his head with a smile, apparently thinking that even if Lin Yun was talking big, he didn’t take it seriously.

Lin Yun took the one hundred yuan, took a taxi, and went straight to Qingtian Internet Company, which is the company of his cousin Lin Qing.

Lin Yun didn’t rush straight to Ye’s house.

Although Lin Yun wished he could go to Ye’s house right now, Tu Ye’s house was full of families.

But what Lin Yun had to do was not only to Tu Ye’s family, but also to bring Hua Ding back, and also to ensure that after the Ye family was slaughtered, he would not be punished by law. This required a preparation.

On the way, Lin Yun had already thought up a plan for revenge. Lin Yun was confident that within a week, he would be able to destroy the Ye family.

Before taking revenge on the Ye family, Lin Yun had one more important thing to do, which was to meet those who should be seen, and let them know that he was not dead.

Inside the taxi.

Lin Yun heard an advertisement for Pinshaoshao being played on the radio, and the slogan was very brainwashing.

“Master, this Pin Shao Shao, is it very popular recently?” Lin Yun asked.

“Young man, there are a lot of advertisements everywhere recently, it’s a mess.” The driver said.

Lin Yun nodded, it seems that the cousin succeeded.

At this time, the car had already driven downstairs to Qingtian Internet Company.

Lin Yun happened to see his cousin’s Ferrari parked at the entrance of the company, and his cousin just got out of the Ferrari.


Looking at Lin Qing’s figure, Lin Yun felt a little excited.

After leaving the fare to the driver, Lin Yun quickly opened the door, and then walked quickly towards Lin Qing…

After Lin Yun got off the car, he immediately walked towards Lin Qing.

“Miss Qing!”

After Lin Yun approached, he called out.

Lin Qing, who was walking into the company, was taken aback when he heard the voice.

Because Lin Qing found this voice, so familiar!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Qing quickly turned to look at Lin Yun.

“Sister Qing, it’s me.” Lin Yun smiled.

“Lin…Lin Yun, is it you? It’s really you! I’m not dreaming!”

After Lin Qing saw Lin Yun, she was both surprised and happy, and she couldn’t even believe it.

“Sister Qing, it’s really me.” Lin Yun smiled and nodded.

“Lin Yun!!!”

Lin Qing cried out in tears of joy, then rushed into Lin Yun’s arms and embraced Lin Yun tightly.

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