A Dish Best Served Cold

Chapter: 1549

“you you…”
“Dare you threaten us?”
“Well, you white-eyed wolf, we raised you, and now we don’t owe us anymore? If that’s the case, get out!”
“Hurry up and let him go.”
“Get out of the Ye family, don’t come back in this life.”
“I Ye Ya, I don’t have such a bastard nephew~”
Ye Ya gritted his teeth and cursed.
“Get out!” Ye Xilan also drank low.
“Get out of Ye’s house~”
“Get out of Ye’s house~”
Ye Jian and Jiang Yulang brothers and sisters also roared together.
The sound of anger echoed throughout the whole world.
In an instant, Ye Fan was pointed out by thousands of people.
The Ye Family of Nuo Da, unexpectedly let him go, no one interceded for him.
Facing the harsh curse, the man remained silent.
The thin body was sitting in the courtyard alone.
The water-like sunlight fell on him, but it was a shadow that fell on the ground.
Looking from a distance, it was so desolate!
However, at this moment, outside the old house, loud and loud voices suddenly cut through the sky like a sharp sword.
It’s like sunlight, piercing through darkness like iron.
“Wu Zhiming, leader of the Jingzhou Municipal Party Committee, is here!”
“Leader of Jingzhou Discipline Inspection Commission, Dong Xing is here!”
“Deputy Mayor of Jingzhou City Lin Pingzhi is here!”
“Secretary of the Jingzhou Municipal Party Committee, Ji Yihai is here!”
“The municipal party leader?”
“Jingzhou, the first… number one?”
Like thunder in nine days, rolling in.
As soon as he heard the names of these people, the entire Ye Family House was completely silent.
The curse is gone, the noise is gone.
All the noise just now disappeared in an instant.
The whole world was silent.
The sound of a needle falling can almost be heard.
That feeling is like the original movie being played when suddenly someone presses the pause button.
Yes, at this moment Ye Tian and others, because of shock, almost forgot to breathe.
Everyone can hardly believe their ears.
At a small annual meeting of the Ye Family, even the leaders in Jingzhou City were alarmed?
Even the Lord of Jingzhou has come?
is it possible?
How is this possible!
How could their Ye family, a big temple, accommodate this big Buddha?
Ye Ya was almost crying at the time, even Ye Tian, who had experienced many scenes, was still dumbfounded at the moment.
He was stunned, his old face was pale, and he murmured: “Just…just now, I said…who is here?”
“Ji…Ji Yihai, Jishi?”
What happened today?
Even these gods are here?
Just when Ye Tian was in panic, Shen Bichen laughed and hurriedly congratulated Ye Tian: “Haha~”
“Ye County, how did I say?”
“Even the season city has come to pay you New Year’s greetings. This year, you are definitely going to rise.”
Shen Bichen smiled flatteringly, and after finishing speaking, he hurried over to meet Ji Yihai and the others.
After all, all the leaders of the city are here, their immediate superiors, and they naturally dare not neglect.
But Ye Tian, facing the compliments of Shen Bichen and others, his old face twitched, and he couldn’t get happy.
After several previous embarrassments, Ye Tian had nothing but fear and anxiety in his heart.
These people, really, came for him, Ye Tian?

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