A Life Upside Down

Chapter: 2117

Now he was really panicked, even scared, he was relatively calm to say that he was defeated by Lin Ziming just now, but now, he can’t calm down!
He watched Lin Ziming being held by Ning Yuning, and his heart was turning sharply. Would you like to take this opportunity to escape?
Perhaps, Lin Ziming was hugged by Ning Yuning and couldn’t chase him right away. Does he still have a ray of life?
However, when his thought came out, he looked up and met Lin Ziming’s eyes, and immediately saw the playfulness in Lin Ziming’s eyes. The profoundness obviously saw through his mind. With obvious mockery, as long as he dares to escape, then Lin Ziming will definitely abolish him!
He trembled fiercely, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at Lin Ziming.
Just kidding, if he dared to run, then Lin Ziming would definitely catch up with him again.
Besides, the monk who can run can not run to the temple. Ning Yuning’s team knows his identity, unless he doesn’t plan to have this identity in the world.
After weighing it up, he gave up this idea and knelt down honestly, waiting for Lin Ziming to deal with him.
Seeing his performance, Lin Ziming nodded in satisfaction. It seemed that Lai Shao was quite sensible and didn’t run away.
Otherwise, when he catches up with Lai Shao, he will definitely not be so easy to talk about. The lowest punishment is to abolish Lai Shao’s martial arts.
Don’t look at him being held by Ning Yuning now, looking inconvenient, but his strength is far beyond Lai Shao, and he has already positioned Lai Shao mentally, and the opponent can’t escape.
Now, his mind was withdrawn, and he immediately felt that he was held tightly by Ning Yuning, which made him very embarrassed.
And now there are so many people in the box, which is quite embarrassing.
He coughed twice and said, “Ahem! Miss Ning, it’s me. Can you let me go first?”
However, Ning Yuning shook her head, and said emotionally, “No! I won’t! I let you go, you are about to leave! You fellow, why are you missing? Do you know how much I am? Miss you! I think you are going crazy! Ooooooo…”
At this moment, Lin Ziming became even more embarrassed. What is this? He and Ning Yu Ning are obviously just ordinary friends, acting like a scumbag he always abandons.
However, for Sister Hua and the others, this kind of result is not worth it.
This is Lin Ziming, a domestic legend, with Lin Ziming’s shelter, then Ning Yuning can surely rise up! !
And they, as Ning Yuning’s team, can certainly ascend to heaven.
It’s just that they didn’t even think that they were not good to Ning Yuning during this period of time, and they also joined the company to make Ning Yuning a routine, forcing Ning Yuning to sign a contract to sell, and personally push Ning Yuning. When it comes to Lai Shao, Ning Yuning would be fine without asking them to settle the accounts.
Ning Yuning was really excited this time, and full of grievances. She hugged Lin Ziming tightly, as if using all her strength, for fear that once she let go, Lin Ziming would leave her like before. And she will spend it again in endless thoughts and pain!
Before, she could still maintain her restraint towards Lin Ziming. After all, she knew that Lin Ziming was married, but now she would no longer be restrained. Even if she was asked to be Lin Ziming’s underground lover, as long as she could see Go to Lin Ziming, contact Lin Ziming, and hear Lin Ziming’s voice from time to time, that’s enough…

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