A Life Upside Down

Chapter: 731

One more point, Lin Ziming now feels that if he wants to break through to the indestructible body of the King Kong, he must be wholehearted, especially to constantly weaken the worldly entanglements. Take Gu Xuan for example, he was in the innate realm ten years ago. , But his strength has not been greatly improved, and he has been stuck in the middle-level strength. A large part of the reason is because he can’t let go of the power of the world and can’t do it wholeheartedly.
Of course, then again, if people live in this world, who can be absolutely solitary? Relatives, friends, lovers, these are all inseparable.
What Lin Ziming can do now is to weaken the business relationship as much as possible and leave it to his subordinates for management. He can only be the person behind the scenes.
Many people don’t understand his approach, thinking about his age, when he is flourishing, why should he delegate power? Even Wang Shougui and Han Jinlong didn’t understand. Even at the beginning, they thought that Lin Ziming was testing them and frightened them, so they quickly declined to ask, and they didn’t dare to take on such a big responsibility.
Faced with the curiosity of these subordinates, Lin Ziming did not have to explain. There is a good saying that the bird is well aware of its ambitions. Most people are still fighting for worldly money and power, and he has already jumped out of this circle. , To pursue a higher level.
After getting these things done, he went to look for Ugly Master.
Chou Ye is his mother and will not harm him. Lin Ziming can be sure of this, but because of this reason, Chou Ye has too many things to hide from him. This is what makes Lin Ziming the most uncomfortable.
“Master, you have grown up now, and even Gu Xuan is not your opponent. Madam will be very happy to know this news.” Ugly master said with sincere emotion. Now he looks at Lin Ziming and can’t see it at all. After wearing it, it seemed as if a layer of mist was wrapped in front of Lin Ziming.
Lin Ziming said: “Mother, how is her life now? What is her phone number, I can’t go to see her, make a phone call, is it okay?”
The ugly master sighed and shook his head: “Madam is now in a state of imprisonment. All behaviors and actions are under the supervision of the organization. If you talk with your wife on the phone, you will expose your existence, and the organization will immediately take action. Measures.”
Lin Ziming was silent for a while, and said, “I can’t use someone else’s cell phone to call me? For example, the neon clothes.”
The Ugly Master shook his head lightly, indicating that he couldn’t.
Lin Ziming was a little bit lost. He really missed his mother. It was obviously already in the 21st century and the traffic was so developed, but he still couldn’t see him. It’s ridiculous to think about it that communication is so advanced, and there is no call last time.
After continuing to remain silent for a while, Lin Ziming asked a question, “How does my current cultivation base compare to neon clothes?”
The Ugly Master froze for a moment, then smiled, and said: “Young Master’s current cultivation base is superb. After defeating Gu Xuan, he has made progress even further. However, compared with Master Nishang, it is still a bit worse.”
“Really?” Lin Ziming’s eyes flickered slightly, and he became even more interested in the neon clothes that the dragon sees no end.
Next, Lin Ziming stayed at Chou Ye for a while, and talked about Luo Tian organization and his mother. The time was almost up, and he was going to go home.
At this moment, his cell phone rang, and it was from an unfamiliar phone.
After thinking about it, he answered the call, and the horse heard a sweet voice, “Hey, Lin Dong, hello, this is Ning Yuning…”

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