From Rags to RIches

Chapter: 654

Li Meng was very upset. Three months ago, she discovered a secret.
Qin Ming lost a torn photo in the university and she found it. After putting the photos together, she found a man who looked exactly like Qin Ming, still wearing glasses, and looked much weaker.
Li Meng can be said to be very familiar with Qin Ming, and he can tell from the photos that the person is definitely not Qin Ming.
Unfortunately, after a few days, the person in the photo appeared, and she did not recognize her appearance.
Li Meng knew it at that time, and the civet cat changed the prince!
Qin Ming is gone, disappeared? Got a stand-in?
Already mature, Li Meng, who knows how to use fake faces to meet people, is looking forward to letting Qin Ming change his outlook, rebuild his old good, and then live the life of a rich man!
Why did you suddenly change people?
However, Li Meng soon discovered that Zhao Zhengyan’s personality was very weak. After growing up, Li Meng easily fiddled with Zhao Zhengyan and let Zhao Zhengyan say everything.
It turns out that Zhao Zhengyan is a rich man!
He was just tired of no one caring, being looked down upon by others, all kinds of cold and violent lives, and even autistic and world-weary several times. Under Zhang Zhenren’s persuasion, he just wanted to live a different life.
And it happens that Qin Ming is a person who values ​​his friends. His friends are all sentimental and righteous, brothers and friends respectful, and a sister respected.
Zhao Zhengyan enjoys his new identity very much, and is not very wary of Li Meng, Qin Ming’s ex-girlfriend.
After Li Meng mastered all this, she was so happy. She knew that her chance was finally here. Qin Ming couldn’t count on it anyway. Is this Zhao Zhengyan who is exactly the same as Qin Ming different?
Money is enough.
Through months of hard work, she gradually made Zhao Zhengyan fall in love with her and completely disintegrated Qin Ming’s original interpersonal relationship.
Zhao Zhengyan promised her that as long as she graduated from her senior year, he would take her to school and marry her. Her dream of a rich and wealthy wife can be realized!
But there are always women who want to rob her, that Chen Muling, that Zhang Xiaoyan, and other women who don’t even know, always come to “Qin Ming”, which makes her extremely annoyed.
Li Meng is most afraid of Zhao Zhengyan being snatched away by the girls in the class.
Zhang Xiaoyan is not inferior to her beauty, fuller breasts, and looks very immature, the type that a typical otaku likes, isn’t Zhao Zhengyan an otaku?
Therefore, Li Meng hates Zhang Xiaoyan very much now, lest Zhao Zhengyan be robbed, targeted everywhere, and split the relationship between Zhang Xiaoyan and “Qin Ming”, and designed Zhang Xiaoyan several times, which caused Zhao Zhengyan’s misunderstanding.
Anyway, Zhang Xiaoyan would not know that the real Qin Ming had disappeared, and everything was under her control of Li Meng.
But what’s going on now?
Li Meng looked at putting clothes on Zhang Xiaoyan. At that moment, she saw Qin Ming’s gentle eyes, and her heart jumped: “No, this person is Qin Ming.”
Zhang Xiaoyan also looked at Qin Ming strangely, isn’t the relationship between them going back?
What does “I’m back” mean?
“It’s so warm.” Zhang Xiaoyan looked at the clothes on her body.
“Are you Qin Ming?” Li Meng suddenly asked strangely.
Qin Ming frowned and said, “I am not Qin Ming, who am I? Why? Don’t I remember my face?”
Qin Ming was very annoyed. If Zhao Zhengyan did this, his interpersonal relationship was developing in a bad direction.
And when he pretended to be Zhao Zhengyan, he was helping Zhao Zhengyan to develop his interpersonal relationship in a good direction, and he was really at a loss.
Qin Ming said in his heart: “But it’s not at a loss, at least it takes advantage of his fiancée, hum.”
“It’s not him, you’re not him.” Suddenly Li Meng rushed forward, grabbed Qin Ming’s face, and asked loudly: “Where is him? Where is him? What about others? Give him back to me.”
Qin Ming frowned and said, “Li Meng, I am me, what shall I change for you?”
Li Meng suddenly felt shocked, and found that the people around her were looking at her strangely, and she realized that it was not good.
Li Meng suddenly changed his attitude and said, “Ah, I’m sorry, I, I didn’t sleep well last night and had a nightmare. Actually, I accidentally affected Xiaoyan just now and knocked down the vase. Qin Ming, I am very sorry. Tired, can you help me?”
Qin Ming supported Zhang Xiaoyan and said, “I am also busy here. Let others help you.”
Li Meng bit her lip, her face was pale, she was basically sure that this was the real Qin Ming.
Li Mengxin said: “Okay, you Qin Ming, it turns out that you have been in Beijing for more than three months. You have disappeared for a long time, and now you suddenly reappear. Why do you suddenly appear? You don’t want me, why again and again I marry into a wealthy family. Mu Zhaoyang is like this and Zhao Zhengyan is like this. You have nothing to do with me without Nie Haitang. Why don’t you let me marry into a wealthy family.”
The students in the class are very surprised to see this scene. Isn’t this a plot that only happened in three months?
Why now Qin Ming dislikes Li Meng again?
“What’s the matter with them? Qin Ming was really with Li Meng before, and then reunited after splitting up, and splitting up again after reuniting?”
“How do you know, this Qin Ming has learned it.”
“Yeah, society is a big dyeing vat. Qin Ming used to be very good, but he was still a scumbag. He liked the new and disliked the old, and abandoned Li Meng.
Qin Ming ignored the words of the people in the class. He helped Zhang Xiaoyan to change into clean clothes in the staff locker room. Because of the cold weather, Qin Ming had to give Zhang Xiaoyan his clothes.
Zhang Xiaoyan looked at Qin Ming strangely and asked, “Why is this happening again?”
Qin Ming said: “Because I have been away for three months, Li Meng seems to have messed up my interpersonal relationship. At least, I have to make the people I care not mistake me. I don’t want to return after everything is done. At that time, my friends regarded me as a plague god.”
“The person who cares?” Zhang Xiaoyan opened her mouth strangely, and then asked: “You have been away for three months? What do you mean?”
Qin Ming was about to explain, and suddenly heard a commotion outside.
Principal Liao said anxiously: “Li Meng, where are you going? Come back soon, the event is not over yet.”
Qin Ming was startled, Li Meng escaped? Maybe it was Zhao Zhengyan?
Qin Ming thought about it. Since Zhao Zhengyan liked Li Meng, he didn’t want to stop him, but if something happened to Li Meng alone, then Zhao Zhengyan would not hate Qin Ming when he turned around?
Maybe it messed up Master Zhang Quanzhen’s plan.
Qin Ming said to Zhang Xiaoyan: “In short, you erase the Qin Ming who has been more than three months old, and start to pick up the memory from three months ago. If you don’t know, tell Brother Niu, believe me. I have to go. Deal with Li Meng to avoid trouble, why does that guy feel more and more weird.”
Zhang Xiaoyan has to ask again, but Qin Ming has already taken a step ahead.
Zhang Xiaoyan looked at Qin Ming’s back, grabbed the clothes that Qin Ming had warmed her up, and muttered to herself: “It turns out, it’s not you. I also find it strange, it’s always been strange, it turns out it’s not you. So last time , It’s not a confession anymore.”
Qin Ming also ran out to visit and trainee companies, and saw Li Meng running around on the road alone, still holding a mobile phone while making a call.
Qin Ming chased him up and said, “Li Meng, I will be back soon.”
Li Meng stopped a taxi, then glared at Qin Ming like crazy, and said, “No, you are not him, you are not him! Give him back to me.”
Qin Ming was annoyed: “Today is an important day. Can’t you let you break Zhao Zhengyan and break up with Huang Shutong. Axuan, where’s the car?”
Boom, a black Audi immediately followed Qin Ming’s side, and Yang Xiaoxuan said flatly: “Do you want to hit the taxi?”
Qin Ming squinted his eyes and said, “Just keep up. That car is also a food tool for other drivers. Don’t mess around. Just keep up, don’t lose it.”

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