Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 2272

“Yangyang is still sleeping, sister, you drive to the entrance of the main house in the center and park it, so you don’t have to walk so far with Yangyang in your arms.”

The speaker is Zhan Yin.

As soon as you enter the villa, there is a large open-air parking lot. Usually, everyone parks their cars there. If you are too lazy to walk so far, you can also drive to the door of the house to park.

The villa is so big, Zhan Lirong brothers have their own small homes, independent and connected.

There is also a small parking lot in the yard of each house.

Hai Ling hummed.

She drove straight to the main courtyard of the center.

Not long after, when she arrived at the main house of the center, she saw Tang Junye coming out of the house as soon as she parked the car.

Tang Junye walked down the steps, walked to the car, and asked Hai Ling, “Is Yang Yang here?”

Hai Ling smiled and said, “Auntie, you keep calling to remind me, how dare I not bring Yang Yang over here, he is behind, but he fell asleep.”

“It’s okay to fall asleep. It’s lunch break now, and I just woke up from lunch break.”

Hearing that Yang Yang was in the back, Tang Junye just wanted to open the door of the back seat, but her son had already opened the door, seeing Zhan Yin hugging Yang Yang and trying to get out of the car, she quickly stretched out her hands and said, “Bring Yang Yang to me.” Hold me, be careful, don’t touch Yangyang.”

Zhan Yin said in a low voice, “Mom is not afraid to touch me.”

“Your skin is thick and fleshy, it’s okay to touch it, at most it will break a little.”

Tang Junye gently embraced Yang Yang from his son’s arms.

After hugging Yang Yang, she walked into the house, leaving the three adults behind.

Haitong laughed and said, “Mom doesn’t even want us.”

“You have feet and can walk on your own. This is your own home, and you know each other very well. Mom treats you as guests.”

Haitong smiled and said to her sister, “Sister, you don’t know. When Zhan Yin and I came back yesterday evening, my parents-in-law first circled around our car, looking for Yang Yang’s figure. We got in the car and looked for it. I found it and asked the two of us, I said that Yangyang didn’t follow, my in-laws looked at us as if they were saying, without Yangyang, what are you two doing when you come back?”

Hai Ling also laughed, “Yangyang is very happy, so many people love him.”

But wherever you go, Yangyang is very popular.

The two sisters went into the house together, and Hai Ling reminded her brother-in-law that there were some gifts in her car and asked him to help bring them into the house.

Zhan Yin had already seen it.

“Sister, you came here as soon as you came, and you bought so many things. My mother-in-law will have to say later that there is nothing missing at home.”

Hai Ling said, “It’s just some nutritional supplements. Every time I come over, your in-laws, uncles and aunts will stuff my car with all kinds of expensive supplements. I can’t wait for me to drive a truck to pull them. I just bought a few boxes of nutritional supplements.” Come here, not many.”

In addition to preparing for her sister’s in-laws, she also prepared a copy for Zhan Yin’s uncles and aunts.

They were also wonderful to her.

When the two sisters had just passed away, their relatives did not receive help and care from their relatives, and what they had tasted was the warmth and coldness of human relationships. They thought that relatives and friends were as cold and heartless as their Hai family.

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