Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 2427

Those are people who work until late at night, and when they are done with work, they are anxious to go home and rest.

Although it was late at night, Cheng Qin still felt that the metropolis of Guancheng was very beautiful. She admired the street scenes on both sides of the road while walking, and occasionally stopped to take pictures with her mobile phone when she saw something beautiful.

Another car roared past her, but it was forced to stop soon.

Cheng Qin looked over from afar.

It was several motorcycles that forced the car to stop.

Motorcycles are banned in Guancheng, and motorcycles appearing on the streets late at night may have malicious intentions.

Cheng Qin is a warm-hearted and bold person. Relying on her fist skills, she quickened her pace and walked towards the car that was forced to stop.

After the motorcycles stopped the car, they forced the occupants to get out of the vehicle. The man sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle held a long iron rod in his hand, threatening the occupants not to get off the vehicle. , smashed his car.

The people in the car were afraid that they would smash the car, and they were afraid of getting out of the car.

“Robbery, hand over all the valuables on you, in the car, and move quickly!”

Cheng Qin still couldn’t see clearly what the people who got out of the car looked like. With excellent hearing, she vaguely heard what the gangsters said.

She ran over immediately.

When the man tremblingly took out his wallet and handed it to a man, Cheng Qin rushed over with lightning speed, kicked the wallet with his kick.

The wallet flew out of the man’s hand.

Cheng Mi moved very quickly, turned around, and rushed to catch the dropped wallet.

Then, she raised her hand, and the wallet flew in through the open car door, bounced on the front glass of the car, and then fell on the passenger seat.

This change shocked everyone.

Cheng Qin’s movements were too fast.

All actions are done in one go.

When they came back to their senses, Cheng Qin had already kicked over two motorcycles. Before the people on the motorcycle got up, she picked up a money stick that had fallen and beat them up. Howling on the ground.

The people on the four or five motorcycles that hadn’t been kicked down all jumped out, brandishing their iron rods and besieging Cheng Qin, shouting, “Where did you come from, how dare you meddle in other people’s business?” .”

Cheng Qin, who came from a family of martial arts, has been practicing martial arts since she was a child. Her boxing skills are many times stronger than that of Haitong. When Haitong faced a dozen gangsters, she could easily turn defeat into victory.

Not to mention Cheng Qin.

She didn’t say a word, just waved the iron rod, her moves were full of vigor, and the stick never missed.

Only screams could be heard, and when Cheng Qin stopped, the men besieging her had already fallen to the ground, writhing in pain.

The few people who were still riding on motorcycles saw that it was not good, so they hurriedly ran away on motorcycles.

The iron rod in Cheng Qin’s hand was raised again, and the iron rod flew away from her hand, hitting the wheel of a motorcycle, and the motorcycle fell to the ground, and the people on board also fell very badly. , also implicated the car behind, and overturned two motorcycles one after another.

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