Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 2602

Cheng Qin took Su Teng to the house.

The Cheng family martial arts school is not far from the Cheng family, but walking back along the way, they met many acquaintances.

Everyone saw Cheng Qin walking side by side with a handsome guy, and the handsome guy was carrying a big bag in his hand, they mistakenly thought it was Cheng Qin’s boyfriend.

“Coach Cheng, is this your boyfriend? He looks so good-looking.”

“Cheng Qin, is this your boyfriend? He looks so good-looking. Your parents are always worried that you won’t get married. I even advised your parents. Don’t worry. You are also good-looking. How can you not get married?” get out.”

“Now that you are back with your boyfriend, your parents will be very happy, and you don’t have to worry about you not being able to get married in the future.”

The parents of the students or the neighbors of the Cheng family greeted Cheng Qin, and then asked about the relationship between Su Teng and Cheng Qin.

Cheng Qin quickly explained to the neighbor aunt, “Fourth aunt, this Mr. Su came to see my father, and wanted to learn from my father as a teacher and learn some boxing kung fu for self-defense.”

The fourth aunt said, “I thought it was your boyfriend.”

After looking at Su Teng twice, the fourth aunt pulled Cheng Qin aside again, and said in a low voice, “Cheng Qin, the fourth aunt knows how many apprentices your father has, and this man is the most handsome, and he looks good-looking.” Extraordinary, you have to seize the opportunity.” ?.?????.???

The fourth aunt winked at Cheng Qin, Cheng Qin couldn’t laugh or cry.

She smiled and said, “Aunt Si, you really think too much.”

“I know I’m thinking too much. Aren’t you guys and girls now? It’s fine in the future. In short, if you meet a good man, grab him fast and don’t be snatched away by others. Fourth aunt doesn’t have a daughter. Are you Our neighbors grew up watching, and my fourth aunt is on your side, so you have to hurry up.”

Cheng Qin smiled and said, “All right, I’ll hurry up. Fourth aunt, I’ll take Mr. Su back to see my dad first.”


Cheng Qin returned to Su Teng’s side and led Su Teng to continue walking towards his home.

While walking, he said to Su Teng, “That aunt is an old neighbor of our family. She watched me grow up. When I was young, I was lazy in martial arts and was beaten by my father. My mother couldn’t save me. My neighbor had to come over to help. Only then can I be saved from my father’s whip.”

“They treat me very well. When they see me with a man, they will think it is my boyfriend. Mr. Su, don’t be offended.”

Su Teng understood and said, “This is normal, and so am I. I just need to look at a girl more, and my parents think I like that girl, and then try their best to match me with that girl, making me dumbfounded.”

Cheng Qin tilted his head and asked Su Teng, “Mr. Su’s current year?”

“Thirty-five years old.”

Cheng Qin smiled and said, “It’s no wonder your parents reacted like that. If I hadn’t married at the age of thirty-five, my parents would be so anxious that their hair would turn gray. It’s okay now. I’m only in my early twenties. My parents That is to remind me that I can fall in love when I meet someone I like.”

“Is Mr. Su too high-sighted?”

“I’m too busy at work, so I don’t have time to fall in love.”

Su Teng didn’t dare to say that he was sick, Cheng Qin was the only one who could cure him.

After getting along for a long time and Cheng Qin has feelings for him, if Cheng Qin is worried that the two are not a good match, he will confess to Cheng Qin about his illness.

If Cheng Qin didn’t have that idea, he wouldn’t have to say it.

Anyway, he only reacted to Cheng Qin, and Cheng Qin would not be a widow if he married him.

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