Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 2715

She was in jail, but Ning Yunchu fell in love with Zhan Yichen outside. Zhan Yichen was extraordinarily handsome, not inferior to Zhan Yin at all, but Zhan Yin was too serious and cold, while Zhan Yichen was much gentler, leaving Ning Siqi to choose If so, she would choose Zhan Yichen.

But, she didn’t have this choice.

First of all, she was in her early twenties. Even if her parents didn’t go in, they wouldn’t let her get married so quickly. They would keep her for a few more years.

Secondly, she could only meet the young masters of the Zhan family, let alone choose them as her boyfriend.

When I saw Ning Yunchu and Zhan Yichen standing together, they were both handsome and talented.

Ning Siqi went crazy with jealousy.

Isn’t it because Blind Ning was able to take over everything in the Ning family and cause her two eldest aunts’ families to become bankrupt and in debt because of the power of the Zhan family?

She was still inside and couldn’t do anything to Blind Ning, but now that she was out, she would never let Blind Ning get his wish or make Blind Ning happy!

“Blind Ning, open the door for me immediately and let me in! Where is the housekeeper? Where is the servant?”

After she called Ning Yunchu, she didn’t see the housekeeper or other servants appear.

Did Ning Yunchu replace them all?

Damn blind man!

Why should she replace all the people her mother trained?

“Ning Siqi, when did you come out?”

“You don’t care when I come out, open the door for me immediately.”

Ning Yunchu walked to the door of the villa but did not open the door. She looked at Ning Siqi and said calmly: “I can’t see and can’t open the door. You can find a way to get in by yourself.”

“Blind Ning…”

Zhan Yichen suddenly kicked the door, frightened Ning Siqi and took several steps back. She looked at Zhan Yichen in horror, who just seemed as gentle as jade, but in an instant she became fierce and vicious, her eyes were cold and sharp. It made her feel fearful for no reason.

This man changes his face so quickly!

“Call Ning Xiazi again, believe it or not, I will cut out your tongue and feed it to the dogs!”

Zhan Yichen warned Ning Siqi gloomily.

He could let Ning Yunchu handle the fight between the sisters however they wanted, but he couldn’t bear to hear others calling his fiancĂ©e blind.

Not to mention that Ning Yunchu could see the light again, even if Ning Yunchu was still blind, he would not allow anyone to call Ning Yunchu blind in front of him.

Ning Siqi was frightened. She believed that Zhan Yichen dared to do this.


Ning Yunchu pulled Zhan Yichen, but still spoke calmly, and said to Zhan Yichen: “Siqi is timid and won’t scare her. Don’t scare her. She will have nightmares tonight and scream in the middle of the night. It’s your fault that it affects my sleep.”

“Ning Xi… Ning Yunchu, you were just screaming in the middle of the night. Your whole family is also screaming.”

“We have the same mother, so we are one family. My whole family is screaming, including you.”

Ning Siqi choked.

How she wished that Ning Yunchu was not her mother’s biological child, but unfortunately her mother said that Ning Yunchu and she were really sisters, sisters from the same mother.

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