Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 2953

Ye Junbo chuckled, “It’s better if he is more powerful, so he won’t have to be bullied in the future. The two of me will be half as powerful as him.”

“A tiger father has no son, and your Ye Yao won’t be any worse. Don’t always dislike your son, others will say that you favor girls over boys.”

“I just prefer girls over boys. In City A, no one knows about it.”

Zhan Yin: “…you still look arrogant.”

Ye Junbo laughed loudly, “If the one in your family gives you a son and a daughter, I guarantee that you will value girls over boys than me, and we will stop laughing at the second brother.”

“If I have a daughter, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold her in my arms, and the elders will rush to take care of her.”

Thinking that the Zhan family has not had a daughter for several generations, Ye Junbo nodded empathetically, “That’s right.”

The Jun family is the only one of his generation who has no daughters, and Yanyan is so in demand, let alone the Zhan family.

“Come here to do something? Or is it Junran and Xiaofei’s business?”

“I’m going to the company for a meeting tomorrow. I came here a day early. I stopped by to see you and have fun here for two days.”

“It’s business.”

Ye Junbo added authentically.

“Our fifth child and Xiaofei’s affairs have been decided. They have the final say on when to get married. Anyway, our family is ready for everything. We are just waiting for their east wind.”

“I thought you were still at Youyou Villa. Long Ting said that he and Yangyang had a video call two days ago. Yangyang said that you were going to live back in the city. Oh, your wedding leave is over too.”

Zhan Yin hummed, “Tomorrow, I have to go back to the company to work. Why does it feel like a month goes by so fast? I feel like the wedding I just had yesterday, my wedding leave is over in the blink of an eye.”

“Yes, time flies so fast. I feel like I just got married to Qingqing, and in the blink of an eye, we have two children.”

Zhan Yin said as he walked: “You are two in one child, so there is a difference between you and other people’s two children.”

“The two little guys are running too fast, let’s run too.”

Zhan Yin said and started running first.

Ye Junbo jogged along, “Fortunately, our two families have close contact and will be relatives in the future. Otherwise, I would be too embarrassed to come and disturb you so early in the morning.”

It seems that the villa area is still quiet, and you can occasionally see one or two people jogging in the morning.

“Long Ting doesn’t have much time to come back. It’s a rare visit. He seizes the time to play with his friends. It’s understandable.”

“He has made great progress. You can see it from the way he jumped out of the car just now and the speed he ran over. In this regard, Yangyang can’t even catch up with him.”

Ye Junbo said: “Everyone has his strengths and weaknesses. Long Ting’s weakness is his greedy mouth. He is a real foodie. Every time he comes back, he likes to follow Jun Li and coax Jun Li to make him all kinds of delicious food. . I eat until my belly is round and I still want to eat.”

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