Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 3033

“Brother, I have nothing now. I am penniless. Where can I go?”

Zheng Yifan still had feelings for Fengruo. He took out his wallet, opened it, took out all the cash in it, and stuffed it into Fengruo’s hand. He also took out a bank card and gave it to Fengruo, saying: “Brother only I can give you so much, the password of the bank card is my eldest brother’s birthday, and the money in it is not much, but it is enough for you to get through the current difficulties.”

“You go find a hotel to stay and recover from your injuries. In a few days, Mom’s anger will completely subside. I will help you make arrangements and find an opportunity to explain to Mom.”

Fengruo took the money and bank card and cried: “Brother, thank you, you still love me.”

Zheng Yifan sighed, “You should leave quickly, otherwise they will know that I gave you money and snatch it back, and you will be truly penniless.”

Feng Ruo nodded with tears in her eyes.

He knew that if he stayed here, he would only be insulted and humiliated by his three sisters-in-law.

Not to mention the three sisters-in-law, just the looks in the eyes of the servants and Feng Qing’s superiority could hurt her heart.

“Zheng Yifan!”

The shouts of Madam Feng were heard.

Soon, she rushed over and snatched the stack of cash and the bank card from Fengruo’s hand.

Zheng Yifan reached out to hold his wife, but she turned around and slapped him in the face.

“Zheng Yifan, you want to get me and the children kicked out by mom, right? What did mom say when she asked me to kick this bitch out last night? Didn’t you hear? How dare you give her money? Give her Bankcard, you are going against mom. If you want to die, go die yourself and don’t drag me and the children down!”

Zheng Yifan, who originally wanted to get angry at his wife, stopped after being scolded by his wife.

Young Mistress Feng took her husband and left, determined not to let her husband help Feng Ruo anymore.

She tried her best to make the plan, and it was also a gamble, so she won the bet. In exchange for today’s result, she was very happy, but she couldn’t let her husband help Feng Ruo get through the difficult situation.

“Get lost, if you don’t get lost, I’ll have someone come out and blast you away!”

Madam Feng, while pulling her husband away, turned around and scolded Feng Ruo.

Feng Ruo was angry and hateful, sad and angry. She really wanted to hit him to death.

But she can’t die.

The person who harmed her has not been found out yet.

The person who harmed her just wanted her to die, but she refused to die!

Fengruo left anyway.

Hai Ling doesn’t know these things for the time being.

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