Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 3221

“I also contacted the entertainment reporter. They will be here soon and will send your second young lady to the hot search.”

“Let everyone in Guancheng know that Ning Yunchu is cruel and ruthless to her own sister. In order to seize the family property, she will starve her to death. I tell you, even if I die, I will become If you become a serious ghost, you will also want to settle accounts with Ning Yunchu.”

“I thought I was afraid of her. I thought I was afraid of her because she married into the Zhan family and became a young lady. Let me tell you, I won’t be afraid. Anyway, if your second wife doesn’t give me money today, I won’t leave!”

The two female workers of the Zhan family were too lazy to talk to Ning Siqi. Their task was to watch Ning Siqi and prevent this crazy girl from running to the villa entrance and making a fuss. Also, if this girl scolded the second young lady, she would Block her mouth with smelly socks.

Not far from the two of them, there was a bag, which contained a small bag of smelly socks. The housekeeper collected them from the male workers, specifically to plug Miss Ning Er’s smelly mouth.

How did the Ning family treat their second young mistress in the past?

Let them tell it, the Second Young Mistress is already very good to Miss Ning Er.

Miss Ning Er had the nerve to come to their second wife to ask for money, which was simply shameless.

The second wife neither beat her nor scolded her, and just let them deal with Miss Ning Er like this. Miss Ning Er was made to vomit several times, including yellow bile water. The vomiting made her die, and now she does not dare to scold her anymore. The second young lady is here.

The yelling was no longer loud enough, because after vomiting several times, Miss Ning Er was hungry and no longer had the strength to yell.

Just now, they heard Miss Ning Er calling a takeaway.

At this time someone came.

Of course they were the workers from the villa.

They brought two chairs for the two maids to sit on and brought them food.

“Sister Zhang, Sister Li, the second wife said that you have worked hard and asked us to bring you chairs and dinner. You stay here and I will calculate your day’s wages in one hour.”

Sister Zhang and Sister Li smiled and said, “We don’t have to work hard.”

The two of them worked in the flower fields at the foot of the mountain. They were busy every day and developed their strength. It was easy for them to deal with a delicate little girl like Ning Siqi.

The second wife gave them such a task, and they were very happy. It was much easier than working in the flower field. Unexpectedly, the second wife also gave them a higher salary.

One hour is equivalent to one day’s wages. The little girl opposite, it’s best to stay in the stalemate for ten and a half days. Then they can have a good harvest this year when they go home for the New Year, haha.

The second wife also takes care of their meals.

The little girl opposite was hungry. She had vomited several times, so it would be strange not to be hungry.

Although it is neither cold nor hot now, the temperature will drop when the sun goes down, and it is still a bit cold in Guancheng at night.

They want to see how long Miss Ning Er can hold on. If she has the nerve to come to ask their second wife for money, she must also have the ability to ask for it!

The two people who moved chairs and delivered dinner to Sister Zhang and Sister Li glanced at Ning Siqi opposite, and asked Sister Zhang in a low voice: “Miss Ning Er doesn’t mean to leave yet?”

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