Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 3309

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law chatted for a while, and Tang Junye’s mood improved.

She listens to her daughter-in-law.

Haitong advised her that her son was grown up and not a three-year-old child, so let them do whatever they wanted.

Lao Liu went to work seriously again.

Moreover, his business is stable, and if he works as a home cook for others, it will not affect his own business.

Thinking that the sixth child might be cooking for his future wife, Tang Junye had no need to stop him.

“Tongtong, Mom has thought about it now and is not angry anymore. Let’s go downstairs and see Yangyang.”

Tang Junye stood up.

Haitong smiled and went downstairs with her mother-in-law.

Uncle Ming was watching cartoons with Yangyang, and Yangyang was very engaged.

Hearing the footsteps, Uncle Ming stood up.


Yangyang saw his aunt coming downstairs and stopped watching TV. She got up and ran to Haitong and Tang Junye.

He called Tang Junye “Grandma Tang” affectionately.

Tang Junye picked him up and asked him if he was happy in the kindergarten.

Yangyang answered one by one and told Tang Junye a lot of interesting things about the kindergarten, making Tang Junye laugh continuously.

About an hour later, Zhan Lirong and the sixth young master of the Zhan family, Zhan Yuan, arrived.

When Uncle Ming heard that his father-in-law and brother-in-law were coming, Haitong went out to greet them personally.

Tang Junye held Yang Yang motionless and said, “He’s here as soon as he comes. He’s not the emperor, so someone needs to go out to meet him.”

However, she was still very satisfied with Haitong’s actions.

Haitong walked out of the main house and saw her father-in-law and Zhan Yuan getting out of the car and walking over in a hurry.


Haitong called his father-in-law.

Zhan Lirong was anxious, but when facing his eldest daughter-in-law, he still looked kindly and responded to Haitong gently.

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