Marrying into Her Family

Chapter: 1231

Zhang Xuan rolled Quan Ding Ding, “You are quite experienced with you?”
“That is!” Quan Dingding proudly raised his chest, “When it comes to drilling a dog hole, I think it’s second, and no people in our village dare to recognize it first! Now this dog hole, there are still many things that need to be improved. For example, the angle of this passage can be made larger, although the foot will be a bit steep, but…”
Quan Dingding was still talking about it, and Zhang Xuan had already strode forward.
“Brother, listen to me, I am absolutely professional!” Quan Dingding quickly followed.
“Yiqing, don’t despise this place for being simple and crude. It can be said to be safer than Dongfang City.” Wang Jianyi walked ahead to lead the way, and said to Zhang Xuan.
This tunnel was dark and cramped. Although it allowed people to walk upright, the space was not very large and the length was limited. Zhang Xuan followed Wang Jian and walked for a few minutes, only to find that the front was sealed and there was no way to go.
Wang Jianyi stood at the end of the passage, and then tapped a few times on the rock wall on the left side of his body. The frequency was three long and one short. Then he waited for five seconds, three short and one long, and after another five seconds, Wang Jianyi He banged on the wall quickly.
One sound came from the muffled noise on the rock wall.
I saw that the stone wall knocked on by Wang Jianyi suddenly opened. It was a stone door. When it was closed, it could fit the surrounding stone wall completely without any flaws.
The one who opened the door was a young man who looked 17 or 18 years old. His face was still immature. When he saw Wang Jian, his face burst into surprise, “Brother Wang, you are still alive! Brother Liu and the others just came back. , I heard from Senior Brother Liu that you were already dead when you were attacked by a demon wolf. He was seriously injured and he could not save you. It is great that you are still alive!”
Wang Jian didn’t notice what the young man was saying afterwards. When he heard the young man say that Brother Liu came back, his face suddenly appeared happy, “Senior Brother Liu and Sister Chu have returned? Are they having trouble?”
The young man’s face was a little sad, “Senior Brother Liu is seriously injured now, and Master is healing him. It’s fine if you come back. Junior Sister Chu is still worried about you. Huh, who are these two?”
The youth only noticed Zhang Xuan and Zhang Xuan standing behind Wang Jian.
“Oh, this is Zhang Yiqing and Quan Dingding. They are the young heroes I met outside.” As soon as Wang Jian has begun to pay attention to his words, he will not just say that Zhang Xuan and Zhang Xuan are new to Shenyin. Of the world.
The young man hurriedly clasped his fists, “It turned out to be Senior Brother Zhang and Senior Brother Quan, who admired his name for a long time!”
Zhang Xuan also clasped his fists.
“Senior Brother Wang, go in quickly, Senior Sister Chu has been talking about you.” The young man stepped aside.
Wang Jianyi took Zhang Xuan and Quan Dingding into the Shimen, and then after hearing a bang, the Shimen closed again.
Among the stone gates, there is a cave in the sky.
After Zhang Xuan came in, he looked at everything around him. Here, it seems to be a replica of the eighteen layers of hell. Inside the door is a huge underground space. Everyone lives in the underground. When you look at it, just the number of people in the eye is No less than three thousand, their houses are just caves that were dug out everywhere. Every cave entrance is engraved with a number. In front of the cave, some pots and bowls, all made of iron, are placed.
These people, men and women, old and young, all focused their attention on Zhang Xuan’s trio at this moment.
“Brother Wang, you are back!”
“Pharaoh! You are so good!”
“Pharaoh! Is it really Pharaoh? Liu Xiu said you died in the mouth of the demon wolf. He wants to save you, but there are too many demon wolves. He saw you surrounded by wolves.”
“Haha.” Wang Jian laughed, “Thank you for your concern. The situation was urgent at the time. Maybe Junior Brother Liu couldn’t see clearly. We escaped from the wolves.”
“Brother Wang!” A female voice sounded.
Looking along the place where the sound was coming from, I saw the girl named Chu I saw before, running in stride, and when she ran to Wang Jianyi, she suddenly slowed down, her original surprise look changed. Get complicated.
Zhang Xuanguang looked at the look of this woman surnamed Chu, and could also guess that when she and that Liu Xiu came back, they must have fabricated something.
“Junior Sister Chu, you are not so good!” Wang Jian didn’t notice anything wrong, and strode forward, looking at the woman surnamed Chu with concern, “Junior Sister Chu, there is something wrong with your injury.” Right?”
“There’s nothing wrong, but I was hurt by gas, and it’s all right.” The woman surnamed Chu shook her arm.
“By the way, Junior Sister Chu, please make arrangements for Brother Yiqing and Brother Ding Ding. The two brothers have suffered a lot with me, and now I can’t eat any food. Arrange for them to wash up first.”
“Yeah.” The woman surnamed Chu nodded, then walked forward and said to Zhang Xuan, “Two young heroes, please come with me.”
The two of Zhang Xuan followed the woman surnamed Chu to the depths of the cave. The more they walked, the more Zhang Xuan understood how big the cave was, and the space here was even more exaggerated than under the eighteen layers of hell.
When the woman surnamed Chu was leading the way, she said: “Two young heroes, young woman Chu Ning, if the two young heroes don’t dislike it, just call me Xiao Ning. I will take the two young heroes to serve the food first, and wait for the two. After Shaoxia finishes washing, he will take two of them to evaluate their potential.”
“Potential evaluation?” Zhang Xuan looked at Chu Ning curiously, “Miss Chu, what does this evaluation mean?”
When Chu Ning heard Zhang Xuan’s address to herself, her eyes showed a touch of sadness. She knew that it was her and Senior Brother Liu’s actions that caused dissatisfaction with the two young heroes. Chu Ning herself felt very self-blame for her actions today.
Chu Ning explained: “Brother Zhang, this assessment is to test a person’s potential in terms of qi. If the potential is high enough, they will be directly assigned to the expedition team to hunt monsters in exchange for merit. If the potential is too low, only If you can take on some logistical work, although the speed of earning merit will be much slower, the victory is safe.”
“So that’s it.” Zhang Xuan nodded, “Then trouble Miss Chu, my brother has been too hungry all the way.”
“Two big brothers, please.”
Chu Ning took Zhang Xuan and two to the depths of the cave. A huge hole with the words Juxian Hall written on it was Chu Ning’s goal this time.
“Big Brother Zhang, I have just ordered to go down. The food is ready. Please use it for both of you. Someone will arrange accommodation for both of you. When the two of you have rest, you can come here to find me.”
“Thank you Miss Chu.” Zhang Xuan hugged his fists and walked towards the Juxian Hall with Quan Dingding.
The exterior of the Juxian Hall is a cave, but the decoration inside is no different from a normal house. A table of Eight Immortals is placed in the center of the Juxian Hall. Eight good dishes are already prepared on the table.
Quan Dingding had straight eyes and drooling.
“Be careful, first see if there is any problem with this meal.” Zhang Xuan carefully looked around.

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