My Husband, Warm the Bed

Chapter: 174

“Then trouble Mr. Qin to prepare the cash first, and in half an hour we will tell you to send the money to our designated location. Shuqu Building () w Don’t want to play any tricks, otherwise-ah -”
Hearing Jian Ran’s screams, Qin Yue’s hand holding the phone involuntarily tightened and then tightened, and blue veins appeared on his temples: “You want money, I will give it. If you dare to hurt her hair, I will let your whole family Funeral.”
Qin Yue’s voice didn’t seem to be much different from usual, but everyone who was familiar with him took a few steps back in fear, and Qin Xiaobao was no exception.
Hanging up the phone, Qin Yue glanced sharply at the person behind him, and Liu Yong immediately said, “Mr. Qin, you have tracked down the specific location of the signal. Do you want to take action?”
“Let’s continue. Without my order, no one is allowed to act rashly, nor to make any noise. Maybank prepares cash and prepares a car to withdraw money.” Qin Yue immediately changed when he knew that the other party kidnapped Jian Ran just for money. Ways to save people.
Jian Ran is in their hands. He can’t attack by force. He can only follow the kidnappers and give them the money first. The most important thing is to rescue Jian Ran safely. As for the other ——
His lips curled up with an arc of extreme indifference, and a bloodthirsty cruelty that had never appeared in his eyes flashed across his eyes. Women who dared to touch him, he would let them live in purgatory for the rest of their lives, never The day of turning over.
Qin Xiaobao wanted to follow, but her brother couldn’t see her presence at all. She knew clearly that not only would she not be able to help much, she might become their drag oil bottle.
Over the years, the elders have never restricted her freedom. Many times she was only accompanied by Zhong Kun, because no one knew her identity when she walked outside.
No one knew that she was from Qin’s family, so naturally no one thought of kidnapping her.
Such a thing will happen today. I don’t know if those people are here for her or for Jian Ran?
If it was aimed at her, Jian Ran was tied up in the end—
Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobao was sad and don’t want it, tears rolled in her eyes again, but she resisted it and didn’t want to cry.
When Qin Xiaobao was sad, a car with a military area sign slammed to a halt on the side of the road.
The door of the cab of the car opened, and a man in military uniform got out of the car and slammed the door shut with a slam of his hand.
He is strong and straight, about 1.8 meters tall, looks about 30 years old, has outstanding facial features, thick black eyebrows, lips slightly pursed, and he is obviously wearing military uniform, but he feels scornful. .
Few people can show righteousness and ruffian temperament so perfect in the same person, but this man in military uniform did.
From a distance, Qin Xiaobao saw him. He still remembered him as she did, and he was so beautiful that she couldn’t look away.
The man’s gaze also fell on Qin Xiaobao’s body for the first time. Unlike Qin Xiaobao, he looked away from her at a glance, no longer entangled with her.
If it was another occasion, Qin Xiaobao would have rushed over and plunged into his arms, pestering him to ask questions, and he must tell him what he has missed for more than a year.
But on an occasion like today, she was worried and scared, especially when she saw him, she felt an unprecedented sense of grievance. She bit her lip and wanted to cry.
She hadn’t seen each other for more than a year. She thought about countless scenes when she saw him goodbye, but she didn’t expect to see him again under such circumstances.
He came to her in a few steps, his brows were lightly raised, and his deep voice sounded: “Call me, are you planning to cry and show me?”
Qin Xiaobao looked at him, Dou Da’s tears rushed down: “Zhan Nianbei, I am very sad, sad, and scared now, don’t you know how to comfort me by saying something nice?”
At this age, Qin Xiaobao grew up under the care of her family. She has never encountered kidnapping, but how could she not be afraid when she was only 18 years old.
Zhan Nianbei: “I don’t know.”
Qin Xiaobao stamped his feet with anger: “Then what are you doing?”
Zhan Nianbei: “Look at your crying nose.”
Hearing what Zhan Nianbei said, Qin Xiaobao instantly forgot why he was worried about things just now.
She gritted her teeth, rushed over, lifted her foot and slammed on the instep of Zhan Nianbei: “I will show you my crying nose.”
It was not enough to step on his feet. Qin Xiaobao clenched his fists again and struck Zhan Nianbei several times, and shouted as he punched, “If you don’t comfort me, you dare to laugh at me.”
Qin Xiaobao’s strength, as well as the speed of attack, was a child’s temper for Zhan Nianbei. He wanted to hide and could easily avoid it, but he did not move, allowing Qin Xiaobao to vent as much as he could.
While hitting, Qin Xiaobao cried again, “What should I do if something happens to my sister-in-law and baby?”
Zhan Nianbei pushed her away from her embrace, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with the rough fingers he held for many years: “If you cry like this, can your sister-in-law come back?”
Qin Xiaobao gritted his teeth again by his words: “Zhan Nianbei, do you want me to blow up your nest?”
Zhan Nianbei: “Made with tears?”
Qin Xiaobao raised his hand and wiped his tears, biting two little tiger teeth with anger: “You–”
Zhan Nianbei: “How am I? Two more bites? Two punches? So your sister-in-law can come back?”
Qin Xiaobao: “…”
“With your brother and me, your sister-in-law will be fine.” Seeing Qin Xiaobao’s angry and jumping appearance, Zhan Nianbei suddenly said such a sentence seriously.
Don’t look at whose territory Jiangbei is. As early as a few decades ago, the warriors settled in Jiangbei and held the military power of the Jiangbei Military Region.
Today, the Qin family’s Shengtian Group has entered Jiangbei City with all its strength, holding the economic lifeline of Jiangbei City in one hand.
The Qin family and the warrior family, one in business and the other in politics, are families that are passionate in their respective fields. In Jiangbei, no one dared to hurt them.
Of course, those who are desperate can be excluded.
“Really?” Qin Xiaobao sniffed, and then said, “I know you are all great, but I am still very worried.”
“Car.” Zhan Nianbei didn’t answer her question again, pulling her car, “I’ll take you back first, don’t cause us trouble, that is the biggest help for us.”
Qin Xiaobao: “But—”
Zhan Nianbei: “But again, I will throw you out of the car window.”
Qin Xiaobao gritted her teeth, she must be blind, right?
Otherwise, how could she like such a man who is domineering, not gentle, and very vicious?

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