My Love, Enlighten Me

Chapter: 1674

Gu Manman is an internet addicted girl who can’t do without a mobile phone.
Getting up every morning is to play with the phone for a while, and then get up again.
Shen Liang actually has such a habit.
Gu Manman should have been busy washing up just now. I’m afraid that I’m taking my mobile phone and thinking about playing with it, which will delay things. That’s why I put my mobile phone on the dining table in a hurry, and the page still stopped on a certain social media software.
And at the top of this page. It is the title of this topic: Do you think there will be suicides by Internet celebrities and celebrities in the short term? who can that be?
And the first highly praised answer was Shen Liang.
“I think it is Shen Liang. This is not a random guess. It has been through a deep analysis. In the past few years, Shen Liang has made rapid progress. The resources are also exceptionally good. Sheng Ding’s boss is her daughter. The screenwriter of “City” is her good friend… The people around her don’t seem to be simple, other female stars should envy her? But I always think she seems to be having an unhappy life…”
This answer, the above mentioned Shen What happened in the past few years. I also sorted out her network of relationships.
Finally, it is to analyze her mood or something.
If this person is not talking about her, but about someone else, Shen Liang would probably believe it.
What kind of analysis are these?
but. She couldn’t help her curiosity. Continue to read the comments on this answer.
“I think this answer has a certain point.”
“I think.”
“Written with feet? Or sleepwalking?”
The author of the last comment was answered by the author who answered the question: “It’s definitely not written indiscriminately. Me. There is a basis. Shen Liang is not as glamorous as everyone sees. She is actually quite miserable. ”
Shen Liang laughed. What’s wrong with her?
Obviously, these lively netizens are just like Shen Liang. I also wanted to know how she was miserable, and asked the author who answered the question.
But the author said: “This is privacy and it is a secret.”
There are some people who believe in this author blindly, and some say that the author is talking nonsense.
Shen Liang returned to look at the other answers and found that many people had written her name.
If she was just a spectator at this time, she would have to believe it.
It’s just nonsense.
Where is she going to commit suicide?
Is there anything she can’t think of?
It’s really…
Such a neat statement doesn’t seem like a coincidence at all, it seems to be deliberate.
“Sister Xiao Liang!” As soon as Gu Manman came out, he saw Shen Liang looking at her mobile phone, and he secretly cried out.
She habitually scans various social media software when she wakes up to see what happens.
As a result, on this software, she brushed up on this topic. She originally clicked in and took a look, but she didn’t expect that these people all said Shen Liang’s name.
She naturally scolded these people, and couldn’t help but continue to look down to see what other people were saying.
But she walked too quickly and forgot to lock her phone.
As a result, it was like this, and Shen Liang saw it.
I saw everything.
She thinks it is not good for Shen Liang to see this topic.
Who wants to be called by others like this?
“It’s okay.” Shen Liang looked at the full expression and knew what she was thinking.
Gu Manman moved his lips, not knowing what to say.
After thinking about it, she said: “We can take measures. I think these people are like navy men bought by someone, and I don’t know what to post this kind of thing…”

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