Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 113

Is there a report, what is the problem? But, ah, the profit has also increased by several percentages?

The supervisor wiped the sweat over and over again, and finished the report over and over again. The last point was to ask Gu Chi cautiously, “Gu always asks…, what’s the problem?”

Dead still.

Gu Chi didn’t seem to be at all. Hearing the report from the supervisor was that only his head was nodded and his eyes fell coldly on the phone screen on the table.

There is Su Kexin’s WeChat on the phone.

Gu Chi is a convenient way for me to take care of my mother who was discharged from the hospital when I returned to live in my own home.

The simple tone could make the anger in Gu Chi’s chest go up.

someone’s home?

Isn’t her home the same as his home?

This woman really knows how to arouse his anger!

Gu Chi’s silence caused panic among the people present. The directors of the various departments present here are those who do not have the top of the pyramid on weekdays, but at this time, they are only afraid to look at Gu Chi for fear that he will be right this season. Is dissatisfied with his performance.

Time passed by every minute and every second, just when everyone felt that their backs were going to be soaked, Gu Chi finally raised his head.

Everyone thought he wanted to comment on the profitability of this quarter, but he didn’t want it to be that he only suddenly said, “The meeting is suspended today and the meeting will continue tomorrow.”

What happened was that he didn’t care about the shocked gaze of the people around him, that he slid the wheelchair directly under him and left the meeting room.

Even Yang Zuo was stunned at this time, he was stunned for several seconds before hurriedly catching up.

“Gu Shao.” He quickly caught up with Gu Chi, “Is there something serious? We have an earthquake at our nuclear plant in Japan? And a hurricane at the power plant in the United States?”

In his mind, Gu Chi would interrupt the meeting, so something great must have happened.

But I don’t want it to be that Gu Chi only stopped the wheelchair suddenly and looked up at him coldly, saying, “Yang Zuo sent me to check where is Su Kexin’s family.”

“Madam’s family?” Yang Zuo was dumbfounded.

But Gu Chi is already dead, and if he cares about him again, he has to slide the wheelchair to leave again. He coldly left the next sentence, “We will go there immediately after finding it.”

At this moment, Su Kexin, who was carefully feeding Su Yafen at home, didn’t know what kind of anger caused by his own text message.

She bought all the porridge and soup from outside, but she didn’t want the porridge made in this restaurant.

Su Kexin didn’t say anything. When he was anxious, he took the kerchief and wiped her mouth, saying, “Mom, you eat too little, so I will buy you some more.”

She said she got up and put on her coat.

Su Yafen frowned, “It’s almost ten o’clock, where can I return it? A place where I can buy food for you.”

“But you can’t help but eat, right? If there is no restaurant, I will go to the supermarket to buy something and come back.”

She said that she walked directly out of the door.

When he walked down the basement of the unit building, Su Kexin was counting the change in his wallet while walking. He suddenly rushed to his eyes, and his car lights flickered.

She raised her hand and covered her eyes, but after finally adjusting to the light, she saw a black Bentley slowly approaching her.

Su Kexin was stunned.

This car has…

Her house in s city rents the most common kind of community house. This black Bentley is really incompatible with the surrounding scenery.

She was still in shock, and when she reacted, she saw the car door suddenly opened and a familiar wheelchair was slowly sliding down.

Su Kexin couldn’t believe that her eyes were watching Gu Chi’s wheelchair slide in front of her. She stammered and said, “Gu, Gu Chi, why are you here?”

Gu Chi looked at the little woman in front of him. She was wearing pajamas and pajamas. She casually put on a sports jacket. She had big slippers on her feet. She also had her hair casually tied with a ball. His head looked sloppy, but I don’t know. Why does he still feel cute.

But the text message that thought of her was that he still couldn’t help but his face was cold, “Why did you come home suddenly?”

Su Kexin thought that when Gu Chi suddenly appeared downstairs in his own home, he had only questioned, which was only a half-true answer, “My mother wanted to be discharged if I took her back to take care of her.”

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