Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 1488

“That’s it, Enoch, you still remember that when we met, we agreed that we would find a time to meet, ah.” Sophie said with a smile.

“You won’t forget it.”

Of course Zhao Enuo didn’t forget.

“But Feifei’s, I’m at work now, why don’t you tell me a place to wait for me to go directly to you after get off work, what do you think?”

“Then Enoch, you go directly to the colorful cafe after get off work, I will send you the address later.”

Sophie pretended to be very kind.

“Well, Feifei’s I will go right after I get off work.” Zhao Yinuo said.

“Then we will see you or leave. If you are busy at work, I won’t bother you. Goodbye Enoch.”

Sophie hung up the phone with a smile on her face and put down the phone. The moment Sophie turned her smile into gloomy cold.

When Su Feifei received the call, Zhao Enuo was a little surprised and also felt reasonable.

She thought of the past. Some of the time she had just entered university were new and unfamiliar, and Sophie’s was the first she met, a friend.

“Hello, my name is Sophie, I am glad to meet you.”

“Hello, my name is Zhao Enuo.”

The two quickly became good friends. They went to class, ate, went shopping, and even slept together.

In Zhao Enuo, the Sufis in his eyes are beautiful, although the family is rich, but there is no one who looks down on anyone, which is good for everyone. Zhao Yinuo has always regarded her as the best and sincerely treated her as a friend.

Zhao Enuo thought so, but Sophie didn’t think so.

When Su Feifei first saw Zhao Yinuo, seeing that Zhao Yinuo was very beautiful and very temperamental, she thought that she was a big family, and the young lady took the initiative to come forward and make friends with her.

Later, Sophie, who found out that she had an ordinary background, didn’t care about her anymore.

In the process of getting along with Zhao Enuo, Sophie has always held a contemptuous and contemptuous attitude.

Just to maintain her grace and kindness, the image of a goddess and Zhao Enuo are also a school girl at school. So Feifei, who is especially popular, pretends to be very good to her. She looks just innocent. Zhao Enuo does not. There is nothing to discover.

When it was time to get off work, according to Su Feifei’s words, Zhao Yinuo rushed to the address by taxi.

After entering the colorful cafe, Zhao Yinuo noticed that he was sitting in the corner at a glance, and Sophie’s quickly walked over.

“Feifei I’m here.”

Zhao Yinuo came to Su Feifei and said with a smile.

“Sit down Enoch.”

When Sophie made a phone call, she was happy, but now she was very upset.

Zhao Enuo sat with Sophie, and Zhao Enuo, who had already placed coffee on the opposite table, was considerate and very happy with Sophie.

“Feifei’s long time no see, you didn’t say a few words during the last meeting, how are you doing recently?” Zhao Enuo greeted cordially.

“I’ve had a bad time recently.”

So Feifei stared at Zhao Enuo and spoke coldly.

As early as when he first came, Zhao Yinuo found that Su Feifei’s face was very bad. It turns out that she was really unhappy when she met and said something.

“What happened to Feifei?” Zhao Enuo asked with concern.

As Su Feifei, a good friend Zhao Yinuo feels it is necessary to ask Su Feifei clearly.

“My beloved, a man who is beautiful in appearance, but in his heart is all calculations. I was taken away by a bitch. I was born better than her to accept, and the education is taller than her and the length is not worse. Why do I, men I love her so much. I have always regarded her as a good friend, bitch!”

So Feifei gritted her teeth and said to Zhao Enuo.

“You said, people are”

Zhao Yinuo was stunned with a panic on his heart.

“Wrong! I said, it’s your Zhao Enuo!”

So Feifei looked at Zhao Enuo bitterly.

“Why do you forcibly intervene in me and Gu Wang when I treat you as a friend? Do you like being a junior so emotionally?”

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