Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 1738

The girl pulled the blue belt around her waist, “Look, my blue belt, how can the blue belt compete with you? Of course, I slipped by next door to see that your competition is a taekwondo little shrimp!”

“You just said that before, my sister… also looked at me like I look at her now?” Shen Yan hesitated and opened her mouth. She has scolded herself no less than ten times in her heart, and she asked what scene she had never seen before. Such an ordinary is a problem, how can I still feel embarrassed!

“Yeah, but she is a bit more nervous than you, she sees a sweat on her forehead…” The girl paused, and the second half of the sentence is actually more like telling herself. “But you couple are also really weird. , Is it normal to care about the other party? To be so twitchy…”

This sentence fell in Shen Yan’s ears, and he suddenly became at a loss. What he didn’t know was good, but it was even more cramped. That person, she refused to be a human, and there is still behind her. The one he doesn’t even remember his looks is a lynx.

No matter how good his relationship with her is, he can only be a good friend at best. Thinking carefully about his return to the market this time, it seems that he is really the target Shangguan group.

Because Ling Chen is a relationship, when he realizes his plan, he also destroys the company together. Gu Wang is the company. Only now, he seems to deviate step by step from his original intention. After getting along with Shangguan Nana, he never thought about it. After all these headaches are the relationship of interest, but the harvest these days is that they have not felt like they used to be.

He doesn’t want to do anything to the Shangguan Group anymore. In fact, she originally meant it, but she refused to marry that year, which left him a lot of shadows, so he wanted to come back and count the years of grievances to the Shangguan Group. Yes.

Young couple? ! At present, the term seems to only apply to Shangguan Nana and the person named Bobcat. He suddenly wanted to see this person named Bobcat as his opponent. A person who had never met before could easily defeat him Shen Ying…

He watched as Shangguan Nana attacking and defending from the opposite side on the stage, and he became more curious about how the Bobcats were, and that Shangguan Nana could get married quickly within three months.

Lynx? He really wanted to meet, but he wanted to meet him if he didn’t sway. As for Gu’s side, although he had the idea, he did it for Ling Chen. He was not interested in Gu. What Ling Chen would do, he would do exactly what he said. Do.

Shen Yan moved his gaze back to Shangguan Nana on the stage. It was obvious that she was an opponent and not a fuel-efficient lamp. After a few entanglements, he found that Shangguan Nana was not physically strong, except for the last time she came with him. After the Taekwondo Gym, she seemed to have no additional training. It was very difficult for her to come to such a game suddenly.

On the stage, Shangguan Nana faced such a strong opponent and it was very troublesome. The opponent seemed to be stronger than her, but even she was not a little bit higher. If the disparity is too great, she will naturally choose to give up, but if she wants her to surrender to someone who is not very different from her, she really can’t do it.

After several confrontations, she also felt that her opponent was impatient with her. She wanted to hold her back several times. She was helpless because Shangguan Nana had good physical coordination. Face attack.

She is not strong enough, so she can’t attack frontally, and the strength on the other side is higher than her. It is a human being. To calm down and find her weakness, like Shen Yan, find a breakthrough and find a direction!

She was thinking about it right now, and the other side suddenly reached out to the referee to ask for an intermission. Shangguan Nana was confused. How long did it take now, the intermission? There is something wrong.

On the opposite side, the girl suddenly turned her head to show her a meaningful smile when she was picking up the towel. The girl was not good-looking. Such a smile was even more creepy.

But the horror belongs to the horror. Shangguan Nana is not stupid. Of course, she can see the smile, which is full of malicious and mocking at her.

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