Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 3092

Mrs. Lin finally straightened her back and nodded firmly.

Gu Wang was also really surprised that Zhao Yinuo persuaded Mrs. Lin to move. You must know that a principled person like Mrs. Lin would not be easily persuaded. It seems that this Zhao Yinuo must have fallen Great effort.

He stared at the person in front of him and smiled slightly.

“What are you laughing at?” Zhao Yinuo tapped his back lightly and muttered.

“You’re quite capable, you actually persuaded Madam to let her move. It’s amazing.” Gu Wang replied directly.

Of course, in this world, there are only things she doesn’t want to do, and nothing she can’t do. Zhao Yinuo patted her chest, looking very proud.

Gu Wang fondly knocked on her little head, his eyes filled with emotion.

She still hasn’t changed, she is still as cute and kind as before, but the only difference from before is that she has lost her previous memory.

Thinking of this, Gu Wang sighed softly, a trace of loss flashed in his eyes.

Although the two of them had indeed experienced a lot of ups and downs before, and there were some bad memories, it was precisely because of those bad memories that they kept holding hands and never left each other.

“What’s wrong with you?” Suddenly, Zhao Yinuo appeared in front of him and asked immediately.

“Ah? It’s alright, come here, quickly pack up.” Gu Wang hurriedly changed the subject.

all right? He was clearly preoccupied just now. Zhao Yinuo looked at the busy figure with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

Co-authoring men can also be duplicitous, right? Especially for a serious man like Gu Wang, she sorted out her clothes and then got busy.

Soon, Mrs. Lin and Liangliang moved directly into Gu Wang’s villa.

This looks like a family! , Zhao Yinuo looked at the few people in front of him, and inadvertently showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, patted the child’s arm, and reminded him, “Liangliang, from now on, you have to study hard.”

“Mom, don’t worry, I won’t let you down.” Liangliang replied firmly.

“Boom!” Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and the air was quiet.

what’s the situation? Gu Wang immediately ran over, wanting to find out!

“Zhao Yinuo, what’s the matter with you!”

It was Sophie’s voice, how could she suddenly come here? Mrs. Lin frowned tightly and pulled Zhao Enuo directly behind her, trying to protect her.

“What are you doing here?” Gu Wang asked immediately, his tone very rude.

“I’m here to find your daughter-in-law! Zhao Yinuo, come out for me! Hurry up!” Sophie roared loudly, looking very unhappy.

“Don’t go out.” Mrs. Lin said to her immediately.

“Oh ma’am, it’s alright, don’t worry, I’ll go out to take a look and come back soon.” After saying that, Zhao Yinuo went out directly.

Although Sophie’s image is indeed a bit fierce, Zhao Yinuo knows that she will not be a bad person, no matter whether she was or not in the past, at least she is not now.

“What are you yelling about? What’s wrong? What happened?” Zhao Yinuo asked as he walked over.

This stinky woman, it has been so long, she didn’t even call herself! What about opening a gourmet restaurant? What about the shop?

“What’s the matter with you? Did you eat it?” Sophie said deliberately, looking at the strawberry in Zhao Yinuo’s hand.

“Oh, yes yes yes, come, Miss Su, try it, it’s delicious.” With that, Zhao Yinuo gave Sophie all the remaining strawberries in his hand.

At that moment, Sophie ate strawberries like crazy, and didn’t stop for a moment, and seemed to have forgotten her real purpose of coming here.

Finally, she touched her belly with a very satisfied expression. Just when she was about to praise the delicious strawberries, she suddenly remembered something, tidied up her clothes, and became extremely serious.

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