Nothing Matters, except YOU & ME

Chapter: 362

In some cases, Huo Tianqing taught Song Miao to play golf, and his posture was very intimate and ambiguous.

Some were conversations between Huo Tianqing and Xu’s old man, which made it clear that Song Miao treated him unusually.

Some of them were Huo Tianqing who rejected Xu Ying and pointed out his determination to Song Miao.

There was also a dialogue between Song Miao and Xu Ying. After Xu Ying knew that Huo Tianqing had treated Song Miao unusually, she wanted to make Song Miao retreat, but Song Miao at that time only said that she had nothing to do with Huo Tianqing.

Yes… Song Miao at that time really had nothing to do with Huo Tianqing, because Song Miao at that time was still his wife of Chu Shaoyan.

At that time, she still refused Huo Tianqing.

But at that time, what did he do to her?

He accused her of stealing the business secrets of Chu’s Huayuecheng project, and he hurt her severely because of Xue Huili! In the end, in order to sell Huayue City, he personally sent her to the prison…

He crushed her love for him step by step, and now the only thing left is his boredom.

Mr. Chu… Seeing that Chu Shaoyan’s expression was wrong, the waiter called him, and waved to him, “Go, I want to be alone.”

The waiter nodded and left.

Chu Shaoyan watched the dialogue between Song Miao and Xu Ying again, and a bitter smile appeared on the corners of his thin lips. He didn’t know himself, it was really too late.

After Liu Xian left Song Yan’s ward, she went to Song’s villa again.

Song Yuanyang was not there, and the nanny secretly put her in, looking worried, “Madam, you go and tidy up the things you didn’t tidy up. Song Dong should come back later, if he knows that I will let you in privately, I won’t be able to do this job for long.”

Liu Xian’s expression was faint, “Don’t worry, I won’t cause you to lose your job. Over the years, I also know the difficulties in your family, so I haven’t taken care of you less, right?”

The nanny smiled reluctantly, “Madam, your great kindness to our family, I will remember it for the rest of my life, but now…”

Seeing Liu Xian walked directly into Song Yuanyang’s study, the nanny aunt became more anxious, “Madam, do you have anything in Song Dong’s study?”

Obviously, he was also afraid that Liu Xian would come back to steal something while Song Yuanyang was away. She used to live by Liu Xian, but now, Liu Xian can’t protect herself, she can’t lose her job at Song’s family!

Don’t worry, you will be behind me, and I won’t take anything, just look at it… At this point, Liu Xian showed a sad look, “After all… I don’t know I will see you again in the future. See here not…”

The nanny auntie felt a sense of compassion in her heart because of her look. Over the years, Liu Xian has really treated her seriously, and after knowing all the things that happened in the past two days, the nanny aunt also knew that Liu Xian was dragged down by her bastard daughter. Otherwise, she is the wife of the Song family!

The nanny sighed at her, “Madam, hurry up.”

Liu Xian nodded, and she walked straight to Song Yuanyang’s desk.

There was a photo frame on Song Yuanyang’s desk. In that photo frame, there was a single photo of him, but she changed it to a photo of their family of three. Of course, Song Miao was not in it.

The group photo was taken when Song Yan was young. At that time, Yao Xinyi was still there, and they could only sneak in every time they met. Later, Yao Xinyi was kicked out of the Song family by her. After she became the wife of the Song family, she replaced the photo with the one they took at that time. She also wanted to satirize Yao Xinyi. She and Song Yuanyang had been together long ago.

Liu Xian looked at the photo frame for a long time, and when the nanny couldn’t help but looked at the photo frame in doubt, Liu Xian suddenly threw the photo frame on the ground.

With a sound of “Wow–“, the babysitter next to her was scared, but Liu Xian calmly picked up the photo frame.

The glass outside was broken long ago, and Liu Xian took out the photo easily. But after she took out the photo, she also saw the mystery inside.

I don’t know when it started, but an extra photo was placed inside.

When she saw the photo inside, Liu Xian’s heart ached. She accidentally pressed her finger on the corner of the glass frame and cut a hole in her finger. The blood quickly flowed out.

Madam, your finger… the nanny aunt exclaimed.

Liu Xian didn’t seem to feel the pain, her eyes fixed on the photo in front of her.

Soon, the nanny aunt also saw the photo and exclaimed again. Then she pointed to the photo and looked at Liu Xian, “Madam, this…this…”

Things were so shocking that the nanny aunt didn’t know what to say.

Liu Xian only felt that the head of her heart was stabbed fiercely, and she seemed to be able to see Yao Xinyi laughing sarcastically at her! She clenched her hands tightly, then took out the photo, and said to the nanny aunt: “Clean up here, I will leave.” After she finished, she paused and then told the nanny aunt. Said, “Thank you.”

The nanny aunt was still a little scared. Although Liu Xian didn’t take the photo on the frame, she would change to the same frame later. But in case Song Dong finds out…

Don’t worry, he hasn’t seen this picture for a while, I just left the Song family, he will only doubt me.

After Liu Xian finished speaking, she didn’t want to talk nonsense with the nanny aunt, took the photo and walked straight out of the Song family’s gate.

She drove over, got in the car, and took out the photo. In the photo, it can be seen that the mother and daughter are two people. Mother and daughter are surprisingly similar to Yao Xinyi and Song Miao.

But after all, it’s just similar. Liu Xian could clearly see that the mother and daughter in the picture were not Yao Xinyi and Song Miao.

She squeezed the photo tightly, then turned out her phone to take a photo, and quickly dialed a number. When she picked it up over there, she calmly said, “I will send you a photo right away. , You help me look up the mother and daughter in the photo.”

When she hung up the phone, there was a trace of cruelty in her eyes.

Song Yuanyang took the USB flash drive and directly returned to the Song family.

When he arrived at the office, he closed the door of the office and went into the rest room inside.

Inserting the USB flash drive into the TV, Song Yuanyang pressed the remote control to turn on the only video in the USB flash drive.

He thought that Chu Shaoyan had something mysterious to tell him, and he couldn’t wait for his actions.

As a result, as soon as the video was opened, Song Yuanyang carefully looked at the two figures, one large and one small, that appeared in the video, and his expression suddenly changed.

This…this is…

He quickly took the remote control and fast-forwarded the video.

This video is about half an hour in total, all of which are monitoring the whereabouts of the big and the small. Two people go shopping together, eat ice cream together, go shopping together, or the big one sends the small one to school…

The video is not coherent, and it can be seen that the person who took the video followed the major and minor periods.

Song Yuanyang stood up from the sofa suddenly, his face was already gloomy.

He walked around in the rest room, still took out his mobile phone, and called Chu Shaoyan. It’s just that there has been no answer.

Just when he was extremely upset and wanted to ask how Chu Shaoyan knew about him, or what he was going to do with this video, the door of his rest room was suddenly opened with force.

The door was hit hard against the wall behind, making a “Peng” noise.

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