Nothing Matters, except YOU & ME

Chapter: 659

Huo’s New Secretary

In this situation, Liu Qian felt that there was nothing to continue talking with Leo, and she looked at Leo disappointed.

I think I need to calm down. Liu Qian’s original plan was completely disrupted, and now she is completely out of interest. She just wants to leave here quickly now.

Leo didn’t know where to go that touched Liu Qian’s taboo. Liu Qian’s expression became so scary. Leo didn’t dare to continue speaking, feeling that Liu Qian would slap him at any time.

Senior sister, is there something wrong with what I just said? Leo said in self-reflection. He thought it must have made Liu Qian unhappy just now.

Maybe I should reconsider the matter of our cooperation. Liu Qian didn’t mean to finish the line at all. Her eyes were full of seriousness, which made Leo even more nervous, and he still didn’t figure out what was wrong.

Seeing Liu Qian got up and was about to leave, Leo grabbed Liu Qian, “Senior sister, did I make you angry? Where are you going?” Liu Qian couldn’t leave at such a critical time.

Leo, I discovered that I never understood you. Liu Qian said angrily. She was too disappointed with Leo. It turned out that after so many years of getting along, she had never really seen through Leo, or even understood the real him.

Leo looked at Liu Qian innocently. He really said something too much just now? Leo tried hard to recall that she really did something wrong, and suddenly felt wronged.

Senior sister, are you misunderstanding? I didn’t mean to design you, I just… After speaking, Leo was very embarrassed. He felt that no matter what he said in this meeting, he wanted to cover it up.

Leo, let me calm down. Liu Qian didn’t want to hear any explanation from Leo. The more the explanation, the more upset Liu Qian, she suddenly understood what it was like to be betrayed by her good friend.

At this moment Liu Qian thought of Song Miao who was in the hands of the kidnappers. Song Miao was so angry with her at the time, but now that when she thinks about it, she will not give her a good face.

Liu Qian is annoyed by her behavior, so Liu Qian hopes that Song Miao will not be hurt in the rescue this time. If it is possible, Liu Qian is willing to be taken away by herself.

Senior sister, we don’t have time, this time you must save me. Leo’s two eyebrows were about to be pulled together, he was afraid that Liu Qian would withdraw, then he was ruined.

Leo, do you know that you are selfish? I hate that others use feelings to design me the most in my life. You have violated a taboo. How can you let me forgive you? Liu Qian yelled. Nothing happens in general.

Leo regretted that he had confessed to Liu Qian so early, and accidentally uttered the truth. How dare he forget that Liu Qian is a person who eats soft but not hard.

I’m sorry, senpai, I’m really crazy, I shouldn’t believe our feelings. Leo said apologetically. In what he said, blame him shouldn’t use feelings to design Liu Qian. Self-defeating.

Liu Qian sneered and looked at Leo. It turned out that Leo knew he was wrong, but even so, he had no regrets! Liu Qian could clearly see Leo’s mind from Leo’s eyes. He had never doubted Leo before, but now he understands that the collapse of trust is only a momentary matter.

Since you didn’t choose to believe me in the beginning, you don’t have to believe me now. Liu Qian’s gloomy tone made Leo feel uncomfortable, and he knew he was in serious trouble.

I don’t want to stay with you for a quarter of an hour. Don’t stop me anymore and make me hate you even more. Liu Qian said that for this reason, how dare Leo continue to stop Liu Qian, he confronted him. Liu Qian smiled helplessly.

Watching Liu Qian leave the bedroom, Leo, who has always been cynical, suddenly understood one thing. Some things should be taken seriously, but he chose another way. At this moment, he realized that he was facing a life crisis.

Liu Qian left, maybe Liu Qian won’t come again for the family dinner the day after tomorrow. Leo learned this trick of lying since he was a child, until he grew up lying countless, he almost even lied to himself.

Lying is a huge price. Leo didn’t understand before, but now he finally understands. He doesn’t know what to do next, and the corners of his mouth smile bitterly.

Liu Qian left Leo’s villa. She felt that she had failed terribly. In this terrible life, she seemed to be in a quagmire, and she was sinking deeper and deeper.

Life is really a strange circle. She betrayed her closest friend and is now deceived by Leo. At this moment, Liu Qian feels helpless for the first time.

However, at this moment, she could not go to Lin Musheng, because there were many plans in the future, and she would harm Lin Musheng. Last night was the last reliance on Lin Musheng. She is not qualified to have a relationship with her children. All she can do is to protect the Liu family, but she forgot to protect herself.

The car was driving fast on the avenue, and Liu Qian seemed to be competing with herself. There was a whirring wind in her ears, and her head buzzed. She didn’t want to go back to Liu’s house, nor did she want to go anywhere.

But when she was at the worst, the kidnappers called again, and Liu Qian’s mood fell into a trough. The kidnapper’s overbearing voice came from the phone, and the wind outside the car window even confused Liu Qian’s hearing. She vaguely listened to the kidnapper’s words.

I will do what you say. Liu Qian suppressed the urge in her heart, and she replied meekly, even though she did not hear the kidnapper clearly.

But roughly Liu Qian already understood that the kidnappers asked Liu Qian to go to Huo’s to find Huo Tianqing today. The kidnappers haven’t appeared in the past few days. He thought he could hold on for a few more days, so it seemed that he could only bite the bullet and face it.

It just so happened that Liu Qian was aimless now, and the kidnappers indirectly pointed out a destination for her.

This is not the first time Liu Qian has come to Huo’s. She quickly found the president’s office, and the secretary of the president outside seemed to have changed. The new secretary’s look of a coquettish little bitch made Liu Qian very uncomfortable, but Liu Qian forgot that her makeup face was the most seductive.

The secretary and Liu Qian looked at each other a few times. Liu Qian noticed something wrong. Chen Lian was not only Huo Tianqing’s secretary but also Huo Tianqing’s right-hand man.

It is impossible for Huo Tianqing to replace Chen Lian, so where is Chen Lian now? Why did this woman replace Chen Lian? Liu Qian looked at this new secretary carefully, where she seemed to have seen it.

The secretary smiled politely at Liu Qian, “Thank you Ms. Liu to wait for a while. The president is meeting with the guests. It will take another twenty minutes to have time.”

It didn’t sound like a problem, but Liu Qian was very upset and even hated this woman inexplicably. The two women faced each other, and there was too much information in their eyes. Liu Qian tried to remember where he had seen this woman.

Can’t remember how, Liu Qian has always been confident in his memory, what is going on this time, just like that vague woman.

Liu Qian thought of the maid she saw in Huo’s house. She wondered if it was the woman in front of her. This inexplicable association made Liu Qian very uneasy. She was worried that her guess was true.

The secretary who had been staring for a long time finally couldn’t stand it anymore, she took the initiative to say, “Ms. Liu, is there anything on my face?” Liu Qian heard a slightly mocking tone, and now Liu Qian didn’t treat her even more. Good impression.

No, you look good. Liu Qian said hypocritically.

The secretary gave a sweet smile, “Thank you Miss Liu for the compliment. It is really an honor to receive Miss Liu’s compliment.” It doesn’t look like there is a fake, Liu Qian is even more inexplicable now. Is she suspicious?

Liu Qian didn’t want to be so suspicious anymore, she decided to find a place to sit for a while, not to see the new secretary, otherwise her mind would be more confused.

Up to now, Liu Qian hadn’t figured out how to talk to Huo Tianqing, and he didn’t know if the kidnappers had called Huo Tianqing. He didn’t feel any abnormality in Huo’s place. It seemed that Huo Tianqing was also hiding it well.

Liu Qian sat on the sofa and waited quietly for Huo Tianqing. Twenty minutes became extremely difficult, as if after a long time, his eyes drifted to the secretary from time to time.

Perhaps Liu Qian should take the initiative to talk to her about something. Liu Qian felt that since he had doubts in his heart, he should find a way to solve these doubts instead of the current evasive attitude.

Liu Qian thought for a while, and she decided to speak from Chen Lian’s side. She pretended to inadvertently ask, “Is Secretary Chen in there too?” That sounded so stiff, Liu Qian silently despised herself in her heart. Fan.

The secretary looked at Liu Qian blankly, “Secretary Chen?” It seemed that she didn’t know Chen Lian. Liu Qian tried to find traces of lying on her face, but it was too natural to be lying at all.

Chen Lian. Liu Qian continued.

The secretary shook his head, “I’m sorry, I haven’t been to work for a long time, it’s not very clear.”

Liu Qian tried to find any clues from the secretary’s face, but unfortunately he didn’t get his wish. Liu Qian thought that either the woman in front of him didn’t lie, or the woman was too good at acting.

Yeah. Liu Qian replied softly. She was not polite to the secretary, and this feeling was strange.

However, the more the secretary is like this, the more problematic it becomes. After all, the position replaced by the secretary was previously Chen Lian, and she didn’t even know about the previous secretary, which sounded like a problem.

Liu Qian gave a clear smile. Since Chen Lian has already passed this topic, it’s better to find some more topics and have a good chat with the new secretary.

I don’t know what your name is? Liu Qian remembered that after talking with this woman for so long, she still didn’t know her name.

The secretary said apologetically, “I’m sorry, Miss Liu, I forgot to introduce myself.” She seemed to like Liu Qian’s appearance, but Liu Qian knew that this woman was acting in a hypocritical manner.

After a while, the secretary continued to say “White Smoke.” The introduction was very concise, and Liu Qian was even more suspicious now. After all, the name sounds strange.

It’s not so much a person’s name, it’s more like a code name, Liu Qian silently remembered these things in her heart, and she must check this woman carefully when she comes back.

But it is very likely that nothing can be found. Liu Qian once again thought of the maid of the Huo family. She guessed that even if the two people are not the same person, they might be from the same organization.

Liu Qian never thought that one day she would say so much to a strange woman. Twenty minutes was like two hours. Liu Qian had never said so much.

How long have you been to Huo’s? Liu Qian didn’t notice that what he asked seemed to be an account check.

Fortunately, Liu Qian is a woman. If she were a man, the secretary would have thought it was workplace harassment.

The secretary looked at Liu Qian with a little embarrassment. She probably didn’t expect Liu Qian to speak so much, which was different from the legend.

Today is my third day at work. The secretary said with a smile. She didn’t know how to continue talking with Liu Qian. At this moment, she only hopes that Huo Tianqing can be busy soon.

The corner of Liu Qian’s mouth rose unconsciously, and a wicked smile appeared on her face. She was counting the time in her heart, and the new secretary became more and more suspicious!

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