The One & Only

Chapter: 1777 Part 2

The family started to eat.

Suddenly, an international news on TV attracted everyone’s attention.

“The following is the international news. There are demonstrations against the blood clan in various cities in the United States. The angry people arrested more than a dozen blood clans and openly burned these blood clans on the street…”

“The U.S. authorities have spoken, please act rationally, do not take extreme actions, let alone conflict with the blood clan, and intensify the contradiction between human beings and the blood clan…”

“However, according to the information received by this station, so far, there have been serious protests against blood clans all over the world, and many blood clans have been delayed in the streets or burned alive.”

“For the blood race, the blood race queen also protested…”

Chen Ning and Song Pingting frowned as they watched the news on TV.

Song Zhongbin next to him also expressed his opinion: “The original intention of human beings and the blood clan to coexist is good. The blood clan has also contributed to the protection of the earth this time, but if people really want to accept the blood clan and achieve peaceful coexistence, I am afraid there is a long way to go.”

Ma Xiaoli said: “The blood clan is always the blood clan. They will kill people and drink human blood. I think it is better to kill them all, so as not to harm mankind.”

Chen Ning’s expression changed slightly, but soon returned to calm.

He knew that his father-in-law and mother-in-law represented the views of most human beings.

A rationalist like my father-in-law believes that the blood clan has a long way to go if they want to truly coexist peacefully with humans. Such incidents of human beings excluding the blood clan and killing the blood clan will only happen continuously.

I was afraid that the blood race would be unbearable, and finally broke with the human race.

The mother-in-law is a traditional conservative. Like many people, she believes that people who are not of our race must have different hearts and must be eradicated to avoid future troubles.

The ideas of father-in-law and mother-in-law are the mainstream thinking today.

Chen Ning suddenly realized that even if he powerfully promoted the short-term peaceful coexistence between humans and the blood clan, I am afraid that soon, the conflict between the two clans that he had suppressed would break out again.

For a while!

He was distraught.

He stood up and said, “I’m full, you eat slowly, I’ll go out for a walk.”


He walked out of the restaurant and into the garden.

There were footsteps behind her, and Song Pingting followed.

Song Pingting asked softly, “What’s wrong?”

“Is it because you initiated the plan for the peaceful coexistence of the blood race and human beings, and now there are some bad situations that make you upset?”

Chen Ning sighed and said nothing?

The couple walked side by side in the moonlight.

Chen Ning suddenly said, “Pingting, if one day, I mean, if I become a blood clan, what will you do?”

Song Pingting was stunned, not knowing why Chen Ning asked such a strange question.

She said sweetly: “I will cure you. The high-grade serum researched by our Ningda Group is still very effective.”

Chen Ning said, “What if it can’t be cured?”

Song Pingting was stunned, she laughed again, took Chen Ning’s hand, and said half-seriously and half-jokingly, “Then I will become a blood clan with you, and we will love each other forever!”

Chen Ning’s heart trembled.

Both moved and sad.

He put his arms around his wife and said softly: “Fate will not be so bumpy, it will not make us all become blood.”

Song Pingting buried her head in Chen Ning’s chest and said softly, “Yeah!”

Just when Chen Ning was worried about the conflict and future between the blood race and human beings, in God’s Domain, God King Medier, who had just led the people of God’s Domain, held a grand funeral for the warriors of the God Race who died in battle.

After the funeral.

He severely punished the culprits that led to the defeat.

It frightened many of his subordinates and trembled, especially those generals who opposed attacking the earth and advocated retreating.

They thought that the King of God was going to cut them.

But what they never imagined was that the God King Medill had not punished any of them.

The god-king Medill announced that the culprit of the defeat was himself, and only he should be punished.

He punished himself for 12 hours a day in the face of the wall for a hundred years!

It is used to repent of one’s own faults, and to repent that oneself has caused the deaths of so many Protoss warriors.

Everyone was stunned by the act of punishing themselves by the King of God.

After Medill announced his punishment order, he was followed by a second order.

He ordered all the scientists in the Academy of God’s Domain to work day and night to develop a super weapon, so that the spacecraft of the God Race can launch an attack on the earth outside the solar system.

And one blow can kill all creatures on earth.

The scientists of the Protoss were shocked at first, and then said in unison, “Follow!”

Medill said coldly: “This research, I named God’s Punishment, I hope you will make God’s Punishment Weapon as soon as possible, destroy the earth, and avenge our dead warriors.”

The Protoss Academy of Sciences said in unison, “Yes!”

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