The One & Only

Chapter: 1837 Part 1

at this time!

A large number of Protoss warriors arrived in a hurry.

They have also received information that the Protoss fleet and the Earth fleet have lost both sides, and the air and space power of both sides has almost been defeated.

Even worse, Ye Na, the queen of gods, died in battle.

this time.

Everyone looked at the angry Medill, and Luo Fei and Lynch who had turned into blood mist, their expressions became strange.

God died in battle.

It shows that Chen Ning, God of War on Earth, is too powerful.

The death of the god queen cannot be entirely blamed on Luo Fei and Lynch’s lack of protection.

Even the God Empress is not Chen Ning’s opponent, Luo Fei and Lin Qi can’t protect it, that’s normal!


Although the Protoss fleet was defeated.

But he also tried his best, and almost all the spaceships of the Earth Fleet were lit up.

Luo Fei and Lin Qi have neither credit nor hard work.

But the King of God, in his rage, killed the two of them when he was employing people at this time, which is really chilling!

Medill looked at the different expressions of everyone. At this time, he was so angry that he was dizzy, and he didn’t realize that what he did had hurt the hearts of the soldiers.

He said in a cold voice, “The Queen of God was killed by the enemy!”

“Why are you still stunned, prepare to pull out the camp and continue to advance towards Kuning City.”

“I want you to reach Kuning City as quickly as possible and kill all the enemies there!”

This word is exported.

The face of a group of generals on the scene changed again.

Pang De, the leader of the temporary war commander, said hesitantly: “But God King, our army has been marching for two days and one night, and now it is quite exhausted.

“Does this make the soldiers too tired?”

The voice just fell.

Medill’s icy gaze fell on Pound.

“Protoss is the strongest warrior in the universe!”

“I can’t bear to march in such a hurry?”

“Are you tired?”

“Then why don’t the enemies of Kuning City say they are tired?”

“Will the enemy let you rest and fight just because you are tired?”

“Are you still worthy of becoming Protoss warriors? Do you still want to defend your homeland and drive away people?”

For a long time, the Protoss is what Mediel says is what!

No one dared to disagree with Medill’s words.


Now Pound and other generals, although they bowed their heads after being told by Medill, they were still unconvinced in their eyes, but they dared not to speak out.

When Medill saw the generals, he lowered his head and dared not speak.

His face darkened slightly, and he said slowly: “The queen died in battle, and the children in misery were captured by the enemy. I couldn’t sleep or eat. I had to rush to the battlefield as quickly as possible to rescue the children, and also to avenge the queen.”

“Instructed to go, the whole army, full speed forward.”

“I want to rush to Kuning City as quickly as possible and fight Chen Ning to the death.”

Pang De and other generals felt that Ku Ning had already fallen into the hands of the enemy, and the sacrifice of the gods could not be redeemed. All this was a foregone conclusion.

There is no need to make the soldiers work their way.

At that time, it will only make his soldiers exhausted, but it will allow the enemies of Kuning City to relax.

But they can also see that Medill is eager to take revenge for Ye Na, and only focuses on revenge, and does not consider other things at all, and there is no room for others to question.

As a last resort, they had to agree one after another: “Follow the order!”

not long.

The protoss army began to pull out the camp and advance overnight.

Although the Protoss is known as the strongest race in the universe, the Protoss warriors are the strongest warriors in the universe.

But they have been on the road in a row recently, and they finally set up camp to rest.

For a time, the soldiers also complained again and again.

Someone even said in private: “The Outland army led by Chen Ning smashed our Protoss fleet, and even the God Queen died in battle. Now the Divine Realm is in jeopardy.”

“We still have such a god king, I am afraid that the gods are really going to perish!”

Someone immediately stopped: “Don’t talk nonsense, be careful to be beheaded.”

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