The Protector

Chapter: 1259


Accompanied by the sound of a metal clash.

A blood arrow flew on the spot.

Sputtered Watanabe Tenichi’s face!

The hot blood stimulated Watanabe Tenichi and made him sober.


He touched the blood on his face and he smiled.

Ye Jun is dead!

Ye Junlin is finally dead!

This time I saw it with my own eyes, Ye Junlin couldn’t live anymore.

It must be the blood sputtering from the drop of someone’s head.

The demon knife is indeed a demon knife, and blood will definitely be seen when the knife is shot!

But when he looked at the court, his smile faded, his expression frozen.

Because Ye Junlin had nothing to do, the head was still there.

It’s just that Kawasaki Zandao, who was standing opposite him, had blood at the corner of his mouth, but a scarlet samurai sword in his hand was broken in half.

The other half of the broken is stuck in Kawasaki Zando’s chest…

The blood is gurgling…

Ye Junlin not only saw the demon sword, but also shattered it, and injured Kawasaki Slash.

Only Kawasaki Zando knows how the process is.

Just when he stabbed Ye Junlin with a knife, this demon sword that had been passed down for thousands of years was interrupted by a punch.


It’s incredible!

At a young age, with such terrifying strength?

It is indeed the only God of War titled Kunlun in Daxia!

Daxia is a magical place!

Does he come from where?

Thinking of this, Kawasaki Zandao couldn’t hold it anymore.

He fell to the ground with a puff, lay down straight and stopped moving.

The master of nearly a hundred years finally did not defend the dignity of Dongdao!

There is no way to protect the army division!

Today, Higashishima Budo is a complete failure!

Five years ago, this man stepped on his feet!

Five years later, he was stepped under his feet again, unable to raise his head at all!

At this time, the Northern Heavenly King had also packed up the six great masters and reached the top.

He glanced at it and said, “It’s faster than I thought!”

Only Watanabe Tenichi was left in the field.

He looked at Ye Junlin dumbfoundedly.

He is resourceful, almost a demon god.

Everything that can be calculated has been calculated.

Thousands of calculations, only to blame Ye Junlin for being too powerful.

Ye Junlin took a deep breath and said coldly, “Did you guys see it? The biggest mastermind is here. I want to avenge you!”

He did what he promised his brothers.

Pull out the involved one by one.


Watanabe Tenichi hurriedly shouted: “Ye Junlin, I admit that I lost!”

“But I want to know some doubts before I die!”

“Okay, why not tell you?”

Ye Junlin said coldly.

Watanabe Tenichi’s question is very simple, basically it is why Ye Junlin died, why he recovered, and how did Zhentiandian…

Ye Junlin answered everything.

After hearing all this, Watanabe Tenichi smiled contentedly.

“However, you must remember Ye Junlin, today you brought me the shame of Dongdao Budo! Someone will definitely get it back!”

Ye Junlin sneered: “The first master is defeated, who else?”

“Our Dongdao is strong because of our unyielding will and our Bushido spirit!”

“I believe that sooner or later, there will be a samurai who will challenge you and defeat you!”

Watanabe Tenichi roared.

Ye Junlin smiled: “Okay, I’ll wait!”

“But before I let you die, I also have a question for you!”

“Why did the Blood King Palace come back? They were obviously wiped out?”

Ye Junlin said his doubts.

Hearing this, Watanabe Tianyi smiled: “Do you want to know?”

“Think, say!”

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