The Protector

Chapter: 2750

“Huh? What’s the problem?”

“Say it! I’m all curious!”

Everyone looked at Ye Junlin with curiosity on their faces.

“I heard that Daxia has two types of legendary existence? They are above all else! Super powerful! Powerful enough to make the Lab of the Gods always jealous!”

Ye Junlin looked at the crowd and said, “So do you know the existence of these two types of legends?”


When it comes to this, the leaders of Yanlongwei are all blank.

Obviously they don’t know.

After all, these leaders who came from the modern era are still different from those in the ancient times.

If you don’t deliberately go through some archives.

The existence of these two types of legends will definitely not be known.

However, a dignified look flashed across the faces of the Tiance Shenshuai people.

“I should have heard a little about these two types of existence! But not many! Only in legends!”

“It seems to be the pre-Qin qi practitioners, who practice qi training to the ultimate omnipotence! Just like the gods! But they are all legends, and they don’t know much!

But overall, it should be a legend! Not really! Otherwise, it’s impossible not to leave any clues for so long! ”

Tiance Shenshuai murmured to himself.

Ye Junlin still believed in such legends.

Otherwise, how would your master explain it?

He should be one level stronger in the world, right?

Is he even one of these two types of existence?

There is no such possibility!

There are still!

“But the Heavenly Secret Pavilion should know a little more…we can go to the Heavenly Secret Pavilion and ask!”

Tiance Shenshuai said.


This aspect.

Tianji Pavilion should know a lot.

“Since it’s important! We also read the dusty files immediately! See if there are any clues!”

The leaders of Yanlongwei were also willing to help.


Ye Junlin went straight to Tiance Mansion’s Tianji Pavilion with Tiance Superintendent.

Come to inquire about the existence of these two types of Daxia.

Tianji Pavilion heard the question asked by Ye Junlin, and immediately fell into deep thought.

There was no sound for a long time.

This made Ye Junlin stunned.

Obviously Tianji Pavilion knew about it.

“So they are afraid of this! They are also supernatural powers, and they even know this!”

After a while, a voice came from the Tianji Pavilion.

“Speaking of this legend, it has something to do with the secrets guarded by the Baolong clan! But it is only a legend! But we have checked and there is no connection between them!”

The god commander Tiance was excited: “Ah? Is it related to the Daxia secret guarded by the Baolong clan?”

“Well, the secret guarded by the Baolong clan exists! It is true that these two types of existing legends have been hung up! But at the moment we have not found out what the connection is…”

“Is the legend true? Does it exist?”

Ye Junlin asked hurriedly.

A voice came from inside: “Sorry, we don’t know! We can’t find it either! But according to such a long inspection, Daxia has not seen these two types of traces!”

“The result we gave is that these two types of existence are limited to legends! The truth does not exist!”

“Or put it this way! It is impossible to tell that these two types of existence are not legends based on the ability of Tianji Pavilion! Therefore, we conclude that they do not exist!”

Hear here.

Tiance Shenshuai looked disappointed.

Tianji Pavilion said so.

That’s probably not there.

Sure enough, the legend is the legend!

And the Lab of the Gods couldn’t determine whether it existed, so it seemed that it probably didn’t exist anymore.

The Tianji Pavilion and the Lab of the Gods are both unable to judge, so can anyone in the world be able to judge?


They all say there is no, that means there is no!

Then you have to rely on yourself.

He can start from this aspect to force out the main divine division.

Ye Junlin was already thinking about how to deal with the plan of the chief priest.

“Before I leave, I would like to ask what the existence of these two types of legends is? This should tell me!”

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