The Protector

Chapter: 3204

The messenger thought for a while and said: “Actually, it is not difficult to deal with Ye Junlin! But there are some things that don’t need to be attacked!”

“I’ll give you a task now…”

“The Sky Shield Bureau immediately dispatched to Daxia, and be sure to bring back Ye Junlin’s wife or daughter! At least one! At least one who can restrain Ye Junlin!”

The messenger suddenly gave an order, which caught the Sky Shield Bureau off guard.

what’s the situation?

Agent Blackhawk almost burst out laughing.

It’s not hard to say.

But now he is going to kidnap Ye Junlin’s daughter and wife.

What does this mean?

They are not sure to solve Ye Junlin easily!

In his opinion, the forces behind him can definitely solve Ye Junlin.

No matter how powerful Ye Junlin is, he can’t compare to a force.

But it’s not that easy.

There may be a huge price to pay! ! !

This price is something they are unwilling to bear for the time being!

Maybe they have their own difficulties and other constraints.

Unwilling to use all the power to deal with him.

Therefore, I want to use other methods to contain and deal with Ye Junlin.

Such as arresting his daughter and wife.

Anyway, for the Black Hawk agents, the bet is definitely the right one.

He is very excited!

Afterwards, the powerhouses of the Sky Shield Bureau set off, brought all the high-tech equipment provided by the forces behind them, and went to Daxia to look for Li Ziran and Junjun.

that’s it.

Daxia is full of people looking for Junjun and Li Ziran.

Thanks to Ye Junlin’s foresight, he hid people in advance.

Otherwise it’s really all trouble.

The effect brought by Ye Junlin is still causing chaos all over the world.

Those forces that once stood with Daxia have left after the recovery of the spiritual energy, but now Ye Junlin has shown his world-shattering combat power.

They also poured in, got close to Da Xia again, and stood on the same front as Da Xia.

Ye Junlin’s punch not only destroyed 200,000 gods, but also destroyed the world situation.

On the battlefield at the moment.

Ye Junlin has no gods in front of him.

None of them!

On the other hand, there are still a lot of gods to his left and right and behind.

There are more than 200,000 in total.

It’s just that according to what Ye Junlin said before, there is no one blocking the way.

He could just rush over there.

But Ye Junlin turned around slowly. Glancing at all the gods, he said, “Will you continue to stop me?”

Originally, Ye Junlin wanted to kill them all.

It’s just that there is nothing in front of him.

These people are behind him.

So he asked.

Originally, the gods behind him and left and right were desperate to kill Ye Junlin.

As a result, he was stunned by Ye Junlin’s punch.

Of course a lot of people were killed and injured.

They couldn’t even get close to Ye Junlin.

Especially after seeing Ye Junlin smashing the 200,000 gods in front of him with one punch, they were completely silent.

The more than 200,000 gods behind and left and right were all stunned in place, not daring to move at all.

They are also sculptures.

One by one, motionless and expressionless.

The brain also temporarily stopped working, and everything went blank.

They are more intuitive than everyone else.

The gods in front could even see the excited and warlike expressions on the faces of those companions before their bodies were smashed. They could see clearly.

are imprinted in their minds.

Or twice in a row.

The first time is enough to shock!

They also want to make a wave based on the number of people.

But after this punch, they were all dumbfounded.

Were they afraid of death before asking?


There is no one who is afraid of death!

But after this experience, who is not afraid of death?

They don’t want to just disappear!

Even thinking about the meaning of standing here.

What is it for?

Is guarding Hydra worth it?

Why should Hydra let them guard?

Is it related to them?

It’s the super gods that really matter, right?

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