The Protector

Chapter: 3435

In fact, this is also the fault of Gong Qianqiu.

Hand over “self” to Xiao Feng and become Xiao Feng’s woman.

This made Xiao Fenghui go crazy, and he would go to protect her desperately.

Even if you take everything on yourself, you will never let Gong Qianqiu be exposed.

After all, Gong Qianqiu is now the most important person in his mind.

The status has surpassed Ye Junlin.

If Gong Qianqiu hadn’t given himself to Xiao Feng.

Maybe Xiao Feng will think calmly, doubt Gong Qianqiu, and even expose Gong Qianqiu.

This is also what Gong Qianqiu didn’t think of.

After making yourself a Xiao Feng woman, it will bring such benefits.

Before, between Ye Junlin and Gong Qianqiu, Xiao Feng still favored Ye Junlin slightly.

And at this moment, doubts about Gong Qianqiu appeared in his mind.

If it was before, he would probably have said it, and even went to investigate it himself.

“Everyone should be careful in the future. If I’m not here and the enemy comes, you should take care of yourselves.”

“It’s best to hide in our underground base. This is our life-saving trick. You must not leak this underground base to anyone!”

Ye Junlin reminded.

As soon as the words came out.

Xiao Feng’s heart skipped a beat.

He had already exposed this place to Gong Qianqiu.

Fortunately, Gong Qianqiu is his own, so don’t be afraid.

Said the same as said nothing.

It seems that we need to speed up the solution, so that Qianqiu can meet Master and the others as soon as possible.

But he has a question – who leaked the whereabouts of the master?

Miya Chiaki is impossible!

He is certain of this.

Just as Ye Junlin believed him.

Not even considered.

“Well, alright, next, everyone should have less contact with the people from the Zhenmo Division! The Zhenmo Division is about to attack us in all directions!”

Ye Junlin warned.

Leaving from the base camp, he came to the North Pavilion again.

Because the North Pavilion’s intelligence team had already found the person he was looking for.

“Okay, take me to see it!”

Ye Junlin set off immediately after arriving at the North Pavilion.


“All dead?”

Soon, after finding the first person, everyone was stunned.

This person and related characters are all dead.

Not a single live was left.

Soon, find the second person.

The result is the same.

All the people involved are dead.

The third.

the fourth.

All the people I was looking for died tragically.

And their relationship network is also extinct.

Not a single clue remains.

“Hey, we came a step late, and we didn’t gain anything at all!”

Several people in the North Pavilion sighed.

Ye Junlin smiled: “Who said there is no harvest?”


Everyone else looked at Ye Junlin suspiciously.

Don’t know what it means?

“Looking at this trace, they should have just finished killing people, and they even had time to destroy the corpse! Only one step ahead of us!”

Ye Junlin said.

Someone in the North Pavilion reacted immediately and couldn’t help but say, “Boss Ye, do you mean that the forces that killed these people are around? Otherwise, they wouldn’t be that fast!”

“Well, that’s right! Don’t think about it, it’s the people from the nearby Town Demon Division! It’s impossible for other forces to be so fast, and it’s only one step ahead of us. The most important thing is that they are familiar with these people.”

Ye Junlin said.

Now it has been determined that this force is in the town of magic.

Ye Junlin said: “You will put together the location of the six people involved in the accident, and see which one is the closest to the Suppressing Demon Division?”

Everyone in the North Pavilion immediately checked.

Soon the answer came out: “From the place where these six people and related personnel died, the closest force to the town of demons is the West Pavilion. Although it is now unified, most of the people in the West Pavilion are still in the West Pavilion!”

“Only the masters of the West Pavilion can kill these people one step ahead of us, and then hide them. It is difficult for other forces to do so!”

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