The Supreme Lord

Chapter: 3517

In the years that followed, he grew up, dropped out of school to join the army, retired to go abroad, and formed a mercenary army.

Scene after scene, his life was completely unfolded in front of his eyes, as if he had lived it all over again, until he fell into deep siege and died in the explosion, which ended his life.

Then, everything disappeared again, the light disappeared, and the life on Earth also disappeared. Su Mo’s thoughts continued to wander in a daze.

After wandering for an unknown amount of time, a bright light appeared in front of him again, and within the light was a vast mansion—Su Mansion.

In Su Mansion, Su Mo saw his present life, from birth to growth.

Before he formally stepped into martial arts, his talent was astonishing when he tempered his body, and everyone praised him.

However, the moment he awakened his martial soul, he was thrown into the abyss because of the first-order human-level martial soul.

However, his martial soul is mysterious and unpredictable, possessing the holy level and the ability to devour, relying on the martial soul to become stronger step by step.

He became a blockbuster in Linyang City Martial Arts Contest; he swept away the Xuanji Sect disciples of Tielin Kingdom with an invincible posture on the southern border battlefield of Tianyue Kingdom; He also created a legend in the absolute competition, overwhelming geniuses from all fields…

One big event after another, one feat after another, is accompanied by his unyielding will, going forward bravely, nothing can stop him.

Su Mo’s present life was perfectly interpreted. He was born in the Firmament Palace, he dominated the firmament world, and later fled to the outside world to enter the Shenwu Academy.

Everything is presented in front of my eyes, I don’t know how long it has passed, and the picture is about to come to an end.

In the bright light, he entered the Forbidden Land of Dreams, and then everything dissipated again.

The experience in the Dream Ancient Forbidden Land was not presented in the bright light.

The world was once again plunged into darkness, and Su Mo’s thoughts kept wandering, seemingly endlessly.

After wandering for an unknown number of years, his consciousness finally gradually became clear.

“Where am I?”

“What’s wrong with me?”

In Su Mo’s consciousness, he kept asking himself, this place is full of darkness, nothingness, nothing.

“I entered a dream, is this a dream?” He recalled that he had entered the Forbidden Land of Dreams and arrived at the ruins of the ancient city.

Then his current state is probably in a dream.

But, how can I get out?

Su Mo struggled violently, but to no avail. He couldn’t communicate with his profound strength, nor could he communicate with his battle spirit.

He himself seemed to have only a wisp of consciousness left, drifting in the endless darkness.

“No, I have to go out!” Su Mo yelled in his heart. He must not sink into the endless darkness.

He still has to restore Qing Sui’s memory, resurrect Qian Xunyue, find Xi’er, see the rise of the Sky Palace, destroy the witch clan, and find the fragments of the Sky World to restore the Sky World.

He still has too many wishes.

As he continued to struggle and recall, his consciousness became clearer and his willpower became stronger.

After a while, Su Mo put aside all distracting thoughts and concentrated on communicating with his battle spirit. Since he was in a dream, he might still be able to communicate with his battle spirit. This was his hope for breaking out of the dream.

As time went by, Su Mo’s consciousness became more and more condensed and stronger. After a long time, he finally felt the existence of Devouring Battle Soul.

Slowly, he managed to communicate with his Devouring Soul, although the connection was very weak.

Immediately, Su Mo tried to communicate with his Nightmare Soul, which was the most important thing.

Soon, he also successfully communicated with the Dream Demon War Soul, and his mind and consciousness were connected with the Dream Demon War Soul.

“Dream Devil Space!”

Su Mo controlled the consciousness, mobilized the succubus fighting spirit, and built the succubus space.


In a palace, Su Mo’s mental body appeared instantly.


Su Mo let out a long breath in his heart. His mind was pulled closer to his succubus space, so basically there is no problem.

Immediately afterwards, he withdrew from the Dream Demon Space again.

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