The Supreme Lord

Chapter: 505

Li Feng’s words were exactly what Wu Panxue said before.

Now, Li Feng sent these words back to the other party.

When Wu Panxue heard the words, despair appeared in her eyes.

After a while, Wu Panxue roared crazily, saying: “Li Feng, you can’t kill me. If you kill me, my cousin will definitely kill you when he returns from Fengling Island in the future!”

“Your cousin? Your cousin has already turned into dry bones!”

Li Feng said disdainfully.

“Who is his cousin?

Su Mo asked curiously.

“It’s Wu Kui!” Li Feng said.

Su Mo suddenly realized that it was Wu Kui, who had already been beheaded by him during Qing Yuan’s trial.

Nodding his head, Su Mo looked at the remaining people and said coldly, “You can die!”

Whoosh! !

Dozens of sword qi burst out immediately, and what arrived was not blood gushing, but stumps dancing wildly.

Because of them, there is almost no blood left.

Everyone in the Li family is dead.

The head of the family, Li Tan, died, the seven elders died, and a large number of Li family children also died.

In the hall, there was no one alive except Su Mo and the three of them.

Su Mo went forward and found several storage bags on Wu Yuansheng, Li Tan and several elders of the Li family.

Su Mo didn’t check how many belongings there were, and handed them all over to Li Feng.

“You keep these storage bags!”

Su Mo said.

Li Feng nodded, did not refuse, and accepted all of them.

These are all belongings of the Li family, and Li Feng knew that even if he refused, Su Mo would still give them to him.

“Let’s go, Li Feng, I’ll take you to Linyang City, my family.”

Su Mo said to Li Feng.


Li Feng was a little hesitant. If he went to Su Mo’s family, he would definitely cause the Su family a lot of trouble.

“Don’t talk about it, you will live in my Su’s house in the future, and you can rest assured!”

Immediately, Su Mo left the Li family with Li Feng and his son.

Su Mo bought a good carriage in the city, picked up Li Feng’s mother, and the four of them left Yongping City in the carriage and headed for Linyang City.

The carriage Su Mo bought was pulled by four silver-horned horses with the blood of monster beasts, and it was fast.

After traveling for four days and nights, Su Mo finally returned to Su’s house in Linyang City.

Su Mo summoned his father Su Hong and several elders of the Su family, and explained Li Feng’s situation to them.

Immediately, the Great Elder ordered someone to arrange a spacious courtyard for Li Feng’s family to live in.

Another four servants were arranged to wait for orders at any time in Li Feng’s courtyard.

And immediately sent people to the major stores in Linyang City to buy medicinal materials for treating bone injuries and treat Li Feng.

The current Su Mo has a very high prestige in the Su family and has already surpassed Su Hong. After he gave an order, the whole Su family got busy.

After making arrangements for Li Feng’s family, Su Mo said goodbye to his father, Su Hong, and left quickly to Fengling Island without stopping.

Six days later, Su Mo arrived at Linshui City and took the ferry from Fengling Island back to Fengling Island.

Su Mo walked into the small courtyard where he lived and found Niu Xiaohu and Zhou Xin sitting in the courtyard chatting.

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