Today, I Give Up Trying

Chapter: 988`

Until he saw it, Lin Fan nodded lightly.
Chang Yuan only felt his scalp tingling:
“Asshole! Who told you to do Yang Mingpeng, do you know that he is the second young master of the Yang family, the first-class chaebol in Jiangnan City!”
“It’s over! This time, it’s over!
” I just found a prince to help me come forward and let you negotiate with the Yang family to ease the relationship, and now you have beaten the second young master Yang, wouldn’t it add fuel to the fire, you are completely finished! ”
Hear Chang Yuan’s words.
Especially, after knowing that Chang Yuan had found a prince, he could come forward and settle the matter.
The Shen Jian father and son beside the hospital bed, as well as Bai Shan and others, their complexions were brushed, and they all turned pale.
“Lin Fan, look at the good things you have done! You are simply not enough to fail!”
Shen Jian’s heart was blown up.
He didn’t expect that Chang Yuan would make things turn for the better, and Lin Fan would make things worse.
It’s not just Shen Jian.
Shen Jie, and even the Baishan couple, panicked with all their faces.
“Lin Fan, you…you are so violent! You beat Young Master Yang, how can we negotiate with the Yang family and let them let my grandfather leave Jiangnan City!”
“Yes, Xiaofan, this time you are indeed too violent! Impulsive! Beating people can’t solve the problem at all!”
The voices of blame continued to resound.
It seemed that at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, Lin Fan almost became the culprit who hindered the negotiation with the Yang family.
The target of everyone’s attack.
Especially Chang Yuan.
He purely regarded Lin Fan as a scapegoat for this incident, and said with a sarcasm:
“Lin Fan, you have to be responsible for this! Once we can’t negotiate with the Yang family, you have to pay the price!”
Hearing Chang Yuan’s accusation, a sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Fan’s mouth:
“No need to talk!”
Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a while, and looked at Lin Fan in confusion.
What does this guy mean?
Does it mean that there is no need to negotiate with the Yang family?
It’s just that if you don’t talk about it, it is impossible for the other party to easily let go of the Shen family and Bai Yi!
“Lin Fan, do you know what you are talking about!”
Chang Yuan looked at Lin Fan with disgust, as if he was watching an idiot:
“It was hard to find the prince of the Tian family and paid a great price. , The other party is willing to come forward to coordinate!”
“You don’t talk a word, then what about Shen Taigong? What will Bai Yi do? Are you going to kill them?”
Chang Yuan said sharply.
Lin Fan was almost full of questions.
It’s just that Chang Yuan and everyone are shocked.
Lin Fan didn’t look at the slightest panic, instead, there was always a faint smile on the corners of his mouth:
“I said don’t talk about it, because as long as the Yang family are not idiots, they will come here immediately and give my wife and Shen Taigong… …Kowtow and apologize! ”
What the hell?
Hearing Lin Fan’s words, everyone around was dumbfounded.
They looked at Lin Fan in amazement, as if they were looking at an idiot.
The Yang family apologizes?
What a joke!
Yang Mingyu just ordered his brother to come and take Bai Yi away. Now that Yang Mingpeng has been beaten so miserably, the Yang family will only retaliate even more frantically. How can it be possible to kowtow to apologize?
This is simply a fantasy.
Just when the Shen family, Chang Yuan and others wanted to scold Lin Fan angrily.
Yang Mingpeng, the second young man on the ground next to him, finally woke up from his sluggishness.

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